Primeval fic: The ARC Files: Death Is Only The Beginning Part 2

Apr 03, 2015 10:22

Title: The ARC Files: Death Is Only The Beginning Part 2
Author: knitekat
Word Count: ~2865 of ~5165
Characters: Jenny Lewis and James Lester.
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: Set in my The ARC Files 'verse. Prequel to The ARC Files: The Locked Room Mystery and sequel to The ARC Files: The Caged Wolf. For my Primeval Bingo Card (round 6) prompt: Loss (7/25). Thanks go to Fififolle for the beta.
Warnings: Technically Deathfic.
Part 1

ARC - Abnormal Regulation and Control. Organisation tasked with dealing with all matters relating to the supernatural aka Abnormals.
Abnormal - any of the various supernatural entities which share the world with humanity, including werewolves and other werecreatures, mages and vampires.
Normal - human, non-supernatural.
Turned - term used to refer to a human who becomes an abnormal due to the actions of another abnormal.

Jenny groaned softly as she woke, her head pounding, and she blinked at the time... had she really overslept and missed work? She grabbed her mobile and swore softly at the several messages on it and wondered if she'd slept through someone knocking on her door as well. She quickly opened the first message, smiling at the text from her mother reminding her about the weekend, before checking the others, frowning at the one from Harry wishing her a speedy recovery... what the hell? She looked through the sent messages, she throat drying at the one dated late last night, informing the ARC she was feeling ill. She didn't remember sending that... actually, she didn't remember entering her house or getting ready for bed last night. The last thing she did recall was....

Her gaze flew around the room, checking for missing items and quickly noting that several were out of place. She'd never have just dumped her shoes like that or thrown that dress on the floor. She swallowed and had to wonder what had happened to her last night. Still in a state of numbness, she dialled the ARC almost on auto-pilot, the words tumbling from her mouth as soon as she heard the calm, no-nonsense voice of Lorraine on the other end. Lorraine's voice barely changed tone but Jenny could hear the anger as the wereowl informed her what would now happen and that an ARC team would be there soon.

Knowing the team would arrive shortly had Jenny glancing down at her attire, she needed to dress before they arrived. She paused as she entered the bathroom, sighing as she realised she wouldn't be able to wash, not if the ARC was to gather evidence from her person. However, she saw no harm in brushing her teeth, applying a healthy amount of toothpaste to her brush and hoping to get rid of the foul taste in her mouth.

She glanced in the mirror and froze, the tooth brush falling from her nerveless hand to clatter loudly in the sink. Jenny watched as her hand rose to touch the mirror, seeing her hand before the mirror but not seeing it in it. A scream began to rise in her chest as she staggered away from the mirror.

Her eyes were full of horror as her fingers searched her cold, far too cold, skin for her pulse, even though she knew she wouldn't find it. Some fragments of memory returned of last night: of someone leaping towards her, of seeing sharp, white fangs in the feeble light cast by the street light, of feeling something slice into her throat...

She knew she was a vampire now and that meant nothing would ever be the same again. What she didn't know was why she'd been attacked. Vampires, despite popular beliefs, didn't just swoop on someone and Turn them. Did they? Before she could consider the situation, she heard a knock on her front door and swallowed. She knew what would happen now, she'd be locked up in the ARC Secure Containment Unit until they investigated events. Then... Jenny had no idea what she'd do.

Jenny couldn't say she was surprised by the message from Mike, for what sane person would want to marry a vampire? Even if Mike had, she couldn't imagine his parents wanting him to. After all, as a vampire she'd no longer have access to the PM or the opportunity to introduce the Youngs to her.

The rejection hurt, although Jenny couldn't say if it was the curt tone of the message or the fact that it had been delivery impersonally. That and the request - demand - for his grandmother's ring to be returned at her earliest convenience. She smiled slightly, no doubt they would have turned up to personally claim it back if they'd been brave enough to enter her presence.

Jenny found herself wide-awake and bored in the night, she didn't even have her laptop to catch up on work... Not something to think about at the moment. A glossy magazine caught her eye and she picked it up, leafing through the pages before closing her eyes. She'd never get to shop again in summer, the shops would all be closed before nightfall and... well, there was always winter to look forward to, if she could find a shop that wasn't scared to admit a vampire onto their premises.

She sighed softly, remembering her shopping trip of... was it only yesterday her life had been inexorably changed forever? The staff at that boutique had been intolerant enough with the weres, but they had at least not been formally barred entrance... although, now she thought about it, every shop she'd looked in - apart from the were's stall where she'd acquired her exquisite dress - had warded against vampires entering the premises. No 'welcome' signs had beckoned at the door, no welcome mats to walk over. She sighed, the only way she'd ever step foot inside a shop would be if someone gave her permission to enter it, and no staff member would do that. Admittedly anyone within the shop, even another customer, could grant her access, but did she have the right to ask a friend to do that... did she even have any friends left now she was a creature of the night?

Jenny felt her spirit soar when she received a note from her father, she knew her parents wouldn't be able to visit her, at least, not yet. She opened it carefully even though she wanted nothing more than to rip it open and read it, eager to read their words of comfort.

Her eyes filled with tears she blinked back with determination as she read the curt note in her father's familiar handwriting. How could they just disown her? She'd always believed they had loved her but she supposed having a vampire in the family was too much for them.

She had thought they would support her whatever the circumstances but to read that she was no-longer their daughter. No, Jennifer Kathleen Lewis had died and she would be mourned as they moved on with their lives. Her Will would be read and her belongings given away, seemingly without a thought as to what she was to do now. Jenny blinked back her tears as she re-read the note, the official words which now barred her entrance to her parent's house and, even to what had been, until only a day ago, her own house. Where did they expect her to... well, she supposed live wasn't quite the right term considering her current dead or rather undead status, but... she turned to the window and stared out at the night. Her only home now.

Jenny felt fear grow in her cold, dead heart as the first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon and slowly moved towards the window she stared out of. To think she'd never feel the sun's warmth on her skin, never enjoy walking in the park on a summer's day, brought home all she had lost. She was forever alone, cursed to walk the night when all she wanted was to feel the sun on her skin one last time.

She jumped when the blinds swished across the window to block her view. She turned in surprise, her lips pulled back from her teeth, only to clap a hand over her extended canines when she realised who had entered her room... her cell. She should have known who it was when the blinds had pulled themselves. “James?”

“I was sorry to learn of your Turning, Ms Lewis.”

Jenny smiled sadly at him. “Not as sorry as I was, Mr Lester.” Her hands clenched, her knuckles white against her pale skin. “You shouldn't be here, James. I can hear every beat of your heart, the blood rushing through your veins and...” She shook her head. “I'm not safe to be around, I could attack you at any moment.”

Lester quirked an eyebrow. “Two things, Jenny. One, uncontrollable blood-lust only occurs when a vampire has been starved for days, which you haven't. Two, I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself.”

Jenny managed a wry smile at his words. “Maybe, James, but it still isn't sensible to be this close to a newly turned vampire.”

“You sat at my bedside, Jenny.” Lester crossed the room until he could take Jenny's cold hands in his warm ones. “How could I not be here for you?”

“That was different and you know it, James,” Jenny informed him, worry bringing some of her old spirit back. “You were concussed and unconscious, not one of the Turned.”

“And I seem to recall waking up in quarantine,” Lester pointed out, seemingly determined to contradict her.

“Only because you regained consciousness before they could move you to another ward,” Jenny replied before arching a much practised eyebrow. “Leaving me, I might add, to deal with an unknown werewolf calling me up in a panic demanding to know what had happened to you.”

“Don't change the subject.”

“What am I to do, James?” Jenny almost cried. She knew most people in her position lost their jobs once their new circumstances became known, after all, it took an amazingly broad-minded individual to work with a vampire and even her family had disowned her. “I won't be able to run Human Resources now, who would trust me? And then there is the little matter of sunlight to consider.”

Lester nodded, his lips pursed thoughtfully before he smiled. “You could always work with me in investigations.”

“What?” Jenny's mouth dropped open in shock, clearly revealing her extended canines. “But I've got no investigations skills whatsoever.”

“Really?” Lester quirked an eyebrow at her. “I'd say your people skills would be highly useful when we have to interview anyone.”

“Do you really think the ARC would keep me on?” Jenny scoffed, she knew exactly what their reaction would be and was somewhat surprised she hadn't heard from them already... but then again, normally that would be her role. She shook her head. “No, James. I'm too dangerous. No one trusts a vampire.” She look down at their joined hands and squeezed his gently. “Apart from mages with more honour and loyalty than sense.”

“I'm not the only one, Jenny. Harry and Lorraine are looking after HR for you and Megan is keeping an eye on everything else.”

“Megan?” Jenny couldn't imagine the weremouse doing that and suddenly understood just how Lester was so well informed about events at the ARC. “Really, James, using Megan as a spy.”

“She's not a spy, she's just... people really shouldn't underestimate a weremouse. It's their own fault if they don't mind their words around her.”

“You, James Lester, are a manipulative man.”

“Thank you.”

“That wasn't a compliment.” Jenny couldn't help smiling at him, the man was incorrigible when he had a cause... but that didn't mean he'd succeed. “And you know as well as I that the ARC pays only lip-service paid to the new equality law. A vampire certainly doesn't match their cute and cuddly criteria.”

Lester looked horrified for a moment, releasing her hands as he clutched his against his heart in an overly dramatic display. “I do hope you are not calling me either cute or cuddly.”

“No, James.” Jenny smiled, her first true smile since she'd realised she was dead. “I would never call you that.”

“Good,” Lester stated firmly, the look of distaste on his face fading as he considered Jenny. “Now, come and work with me.”

“I'll think about it,” Jenny promised, the thought of keeping some part of her old life appealing but... well if anyone could make the impossible happen, it was James Lester.

“Good. I'll pick up the transfer form tomorrow.” Lester gave a satisfied smile, his gaze wandering around the room before he frowned slightly. “You haven't received anything from your parents?”

Jenny almost cursed the mage's keen eyes, of course he had noticed the bareness of her room. No flowers graced the bedside table, no cards - even sympathy ones - sat there.

“Jenny?” Lester asked, his tone demanding an answer. “Fuck!” he growled at her continuing silence and the lights in the room flickered.

“James!” Lewis quickly grabbed his hand and squeezed it firmly, she didn't need another problem and wild magic would be one. “Calm down, please.”

“It's not right, Jen.” Lester's voice was tight with suppressed anger. “You're still their daughter.”

“Because people are afraid of vampires, James. How many people do you know who'd hold hands with one.” She glanced down at their hands and managed a wry smile. “Except for a mage.”

A slight smile flicked across Lester's face. “Except for a mage with more honour and loyalty than common sense?”

“Precisely, James,” Jenny agreed. “Most people are scared, they believe the stereotypes and fear for their safety. You've seen the wards barring entry to vampires, I have and before this, I didn't even really think about it.” She shook her head. “We are all guilty of ignoring things that don't affect us, James, and...”

“But they're your parents, Jen, they...” Lester trailed off. “They haven't even contacted you, have they?”

Jenny swallowed, she didn't want to answer him, knowing what his reaction would be. “James...” She could see her bedside table begin to shake and the lights flickered once more. “No, James!” She squeezed his hand tightly, although she quickly released him when he yelped in pain, stepping away and hugged herself. “I told you I was too dangerous to be around people,” her voice almost breaking.

“It's OK, Jen.”

Jenny retreated as Lester approached her, until her back was against the wall and she had nowhere else to go. She tensed as his arms wrapped around her before sobbing and returning the hug, her head resting against his shoulder. “Oh, James. What am I going to do?”

Lester rubbed her back. “I'll light-proof your house and you...” His voice trailed off when he felt Jenny tense. “Jen?”

Jenny sighed softly, knowing she had no choice now but to tell him the entire truth and just hope he kept control of himself... she frowned slightly as she realised just how emotional and open Lester was being with her. Knowing someone really did care about her... she took a deep - if unnecessary - breath. “I received a note from my father. They're having my Will read and...” She closed her eyes. “They have formally renounced my access to both their house and to my own.”

“What!” Lester attempted to pull free of her embrace but Jenny kept him in her arms, hoping that he'd calm down and his magic wouldn't flare with his emotions when his control really was shot by events. He sagged against her when he realised he was trapped. “It's not right, Jen. You're still their daughter, how can they just take your belongings?”

“Because the law hasn't changed.” Jenny's voice held the faintest note of exasperation, they both knew they'd had similar conversations before. “And as far as inheritance is concerned, once I've been Turned, I'm legally dead.”

“What will you do?” Lester's voice was still tight with anger, but Jenny relaxed slightly, he sounded far more in control of himself and she let him go. “Where will you live?”

“I don't know.” Her voice broke slightly. “I could stay here.”

“Here?” Lester's disdain was clear as he gestured to her room. “Move in with me?”

“James Peregrine Lester, what would Jon say?” Jenny was touched by the offer but, how could she ask that of him? Her eyebrow quirked as she remembered something he'd mentioned and she smiled slightly as she recalled him almost vibrating with suppressed excitement. “And speaking of Jon, doesn't he have leave this weekend?”

“Ah...” Lester blinked and coloured slightly. “I'll ask him, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind.”

“As much as a mage, a wolf and a vampire living together would probably make an interesting TV show, James.”

“You can't accept?” Lester finished for her. “But you can't stay here.”

“I can until the ARC formally dismisses me, James.” Jenny raised a hand to her face, her fingertips purposely brushing her sharp teeth.

“Fill out the transfer forms, Jenny, and let me worry about the ARC.” Lester told her firmly, his gaze flickering with distaste around her room before he added, “The ARC and your belongings.”

“James,” Jenny began but Lester cut her off.

“I'm not an idiot, I won't do anything traceable.” He smiled at her, a smile which promised trouble for someone.

“You can't change the world, James.”

“I can give it a bloody good try.”

“I can't stop you, James.” Jenny grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently. “But promise me you'll be careful.”

Lester just quirked an eyebrow but before he could answer, his phone rang and he frowned at the message on it. “I've got to go.” He looked up at Jenny. “Will you be...” His voice trailed off as he gave Jenny an apologetic smile.

“I will be, James.” Jenny promised him, knowing that with James and her remaining friends by her side, that she would be.

the arc files series, mage, gen, bingo fic, fic, jenny lewis, world building, james lester, angst, vampire, hurt/comfort

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