Primeval fic: Aphrodite Rising (Part 4)

Jan 11, 2015 16:35

Title: Aphrodite Rising Part 4
Author: knitekat
Word Count: ~1830 (of 9430)
Characters: Tom Ryan, James Lester, OCs and guest appearances from Fred's SFOCs
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For my Primeval bingo card prompt: Rayguns. Prequel for my Unearthing An Anomaly Space AU series. Thanks goes to Fififolle for the beta and suggestions. All remaining mistakes are mine.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

“Don't ever compare me to McKenzie.” Lester bit out each word, leaned in harder for a moment before abruptly releasing Ryan and striding away, heading towards the water's edge as Ryan had the high ground.

“Hey!” Ryan called out, he had no wish to be responsible for Lester's injury or death if the creature took that moment to emerge from the swamp. “Lester! Wait!” When Lester didn't stop, Ryan swore under his breath and hurried after him. “Wait, for fuck sake.”

“Fuck off, Ryan,” Lester growled out, although he had thankfully stopped walking towards the edge of the hummock.

Ryan took a calming breath. “Look, I'm sorry for what I said.”

“Oh, that makes it all the better.” Lester's voice dripped sarcasm. “You're sorry for the fact my SO betrayed me and I didn't see it coming...” He shook his head and turned his back.

“Lester?” Ryan reached out to clasp Lester's shoulder, ducking when the man spun around swinging. He swore before grabbing Lester and slamming him against a tree, holding him there while the spook struggled and then Ryan was kissing him hard. Feeling Lester's hands grasp him and then he was being kissed back, just as hard. He pressed himself against Lester, feeling the spook's erection press into his hip, knowing Lester would be able to feel Ryan's own cock press against him.

Ryan pushed harder against Lester, grinning when the spook ground against him. He yanked Lester's zip open and reached inside, pulling the spook's cock free and running his calloused hand over the man's flesh. Lester groaned and Ryan took the opportunity to stick his tongue in the man's mouth. Groaning himself when he felt a hand on his own cock and shuddering when Lester did something with his fingers. “Fuck!”

Lester chuckled softly as he continued to molest Ryan's cock. “I think fucking would be a bad idea.”

Ryan hissed in disappointment and tried to step back, stopping when Lester's hand closed tightly around his cock. “I meant fucking would be a bad idea right at this moment, Ryan.” Lester relaxed his painful hold and flicked the head of Ryan's cock instead. “Later, however, it might not be.”

Ryan found it difficult to think with Lester's hand on him, the spook was far too calm and he sped up his own movements, squeezing and stroking Lester faster and faster until the spook's hips jerked forward and he groaned deeply, his orgasm setting off Ryan's own.

Ryan leaned his head on Lester's shoulder, panting as his heart rate returned to normal and feeling the man tremble slightly beneath him. He raised his head but before he could speak, Lester did.

“Apologise and I'll kill you now and leave your body to the swamp.”

“Fine,” Ryan grinned before kissing Lester once more before stepping away. “And I wasn't going to.”

Lester gave him a sharp nod. “Good. Now, lets get back to Nike and then...” He trailed off as he raised an eyebrow.

Ryan nodded. “And then.” He smiled as he watched Lester right himself and walk away, staring at the man's arse before shaking himself. He zipped himself up and followed Lester back towards the high point of the hummock, both men knowing they'd have to wait for the creature to leave. Besides the sun was starting to set in the east and it was too late for them to continue that night.

He froze when he heard something crashing through the hummock, ducking until he was concealed by the interwoven network of trees and feeling Lester crouch beside him. “The cartel or the creature?”

“I doubt it's the cartel, Harry thinks we'll die out here and he's not the type of man most people argue with. At least, not more than once.” Lester shrugged. “I'd be surprised to find anyone out here now, life may be cheap on Venus but it is getting too dark to harvest anything.”

“Great,” Ryan muttered. “It's the bloody creature.”

Lester nodded and both men fell silent, waiting with breath held as the vegetation shuddered and then something emerged. Ryan blinked as he looked at the creature, it was an ugly looking thing with mottled lime green and mud brown warty skin and a fleshy horn on its nose. He relaxed when it began to browse on the leaves. “Herbivore?”

“It would appear to be, but I doubt we want to startle it.” Lester looked thoughtful for a moment. “Now, until the morning...”


Ryan knew he sounded hopeful when the spook smirked at him. “Get some sleep.” The bloody spook was the most annoying, pigheaded and fucking attractive man Ryan had ever met, and he was falling for him hard.

Ryan nodded. “Fine, but this time we share the watches.”

Ryan grinned back at Lester when he noticed the rise of the highlands in the distance. “Almost there.”

Lester shot him a glare. “Only several more miles of swamp and marsh to go, and fuck knows how many more creatures you can attract.” Lester sighed heavily before adding, “And then, of course, we have the fun of the jungle to fight our way through.”

Ryan shot Lester a surprised look before sighing softly as he realised what had riled the spook. “We'll get McKenzie, Lester.”

Lester gave him a short nod before freezing, his head tilted as if listening to something. Ryan swore softly when he heard the sound of an approaching engine before looking around for somewhere to hide. Except they were on a bloody marsh and it was fucking tree-less, let alone shrub-less. “Down!” He pushed Lester into the marsh, earning himself a glare from the man when he surfaced dripping with mud. Ryan couldn't help smiling at him.

“Fuck you, Ryan,” Lester growled at him before grabbing Ryan's arm and tugging him down into the mud beside him.

Ryan grinned and pressed a muddy kiss to Lester's lips. “Yes, please.” The sound of the engines drawing ever closer stopped Ryan saying more, but he wanted Lester to know that much at least.

Lester met his eyes before nodding. “Definitely.”

Ryan's grin widened before the engines being shut down dragged his attention away from Lester and towards the skimmer which had now landed only a few dozen yards away from them. His eyes narrowed as he watched the hatch open and he squeezed Lester's hand. He let out a bark of laughter as he recognised the first man off the skimmer and stood, still hand in hand with Lester as he tugged the spook to his feet.

A voice Ryan knew well sounded from the skimmer. “I wasn't sure we should interrupt, but Finn was getting hungry.”

“Fuck you, Lyle,” Ryan called back before turning to Lester. “Jon Lyle is an old mate, Lester.” The spook took a moment before he nodded and Ryan knew what was going through the spook's mind. He'd believed McKenzie was trustworthy and the bastard had betrayed him. “I trust him with my life.”

“And mine, it would appear,” Lester remarked before he strolled towards the skimmer and allowed the soldiers on board to help him inside.

Ryan squeezed Lester's shoulder before heading towards the cockpit to report in, pausing on his way to grip a medic's arm. “Look after him for me, Ditz.”

“On it, boss.”

Ryan smiled at the surprised yelp from Lester and surmised he'd found out just how cold the medic's hands were. He relaxed for the first time in days, knowing they were safe and he felt Lyle grab his arm and guide him to a bunk.

“Get some shut-eye, Tom,” Lyle told him.

Ryan shook his head. “I need to report first, Jon.” He shook his head when he felt light-headed before slumping on the bunk. “Fuck! Short story, Lyle. One of the SF spooks sent to check out our op at Nike is a bloody traitor and sold out the settlement to the Foster Cartel.”

“Fuck!” Lyle swore. “Get that shut-eye and I'll call it in.” He paused and glanced towards the back where Lester was being checked over by Ditzy. “I assume you and your spook will want to be involved?”

“It was his SO, Lyle.”

“Yeah, that must hurt,” Lyle murmured before shaking himself. “Get some sleep, Tom.” He raised his hands and wiggled his thumbs. “They aren't itching.”

Ryan woke several hours later feeling more human, even if his nose told him he'd stepped in something that had died. He struggled out of the bunk and headed for the limited facilities on the skimmer. Once clean of all the mud he'd get off without a proper shower, Ryan changed into new combats and set out to find Lester. He smiled when he found the spook had also cleaned up and was now clad in borrowed combats.

“Good, you're up,” Ditzy murmured from behind him before Ryan felt a sharp prick in his arm.

“What the fuck?” Ryan rubbed his now sore arm and glared at Lester when the man chuckled.

“You've both been traipsing about in fuck knows what, that was a broad spectrum antibiotic, antiparasite and anti-just about everything else to help counter whatever you might have picked up.” Ditzy told him. “Once we're back at an SF base, the doctors will want to run a full tox screen on you.”

“Something to look forward too,” Ryan muttered.

“Better than the alternative,” Lester informed him before shuddering slightly. “I've seen what untreated swamp-rot can do to a man.”

Ryan decided there and then he'd happily go along with whatever the doctors said, anything that made Lester shudder, was something he had no wish to experience himself.

Ryan knew the capabilities of the men he now commanded and planned their strike accordingly. Blade and Finn would take out any sentries, silently, before they moved into the base. They'd split up once inside Nike - Ditzy, Dane and Finn would search for prisoners, arm those who could fight and look after any casualties. Meanwhile, the rest of the men would accompany Ryan as the strike force and he would just have to hope Lester followed orders if he came face-to-face with McKenzie. He'd tasked Blade with keeping an eye on the spook just in case the man had any more insane ideas such as taking McKenzie on his own.

Of course, once inside the base, Ryan found himself pinned down under heavy pulser fire and could only watch helplessly as Lester, with Blade as his shadow, slipped off. When the pulser bombardment ceased, Ryan smiled and looked up expecting to see Lester, cursing instead when he was met by one of the guerillas he'd been training instead.

Ryan wanted nothing more than to find Lester and... he shook his head, knowing he had a job to do and knowing Blade would look after the bloody insane spook. Not that he could blame Lester, if his SO had betrayed him... but the bloody man better be in one piece when he next saw him.

Part 5

slash, ditzy (oc), au, jon lyle (oc), bingo fic, fic, james lester, tom ryan, unearthing an anomaly series

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