Primeval drabble: Journey's End?

Sep 26, 2014 23:57

Title: Journey's End?
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: James Lester, (Connor Temple)
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N 1: For the P100 challenge 386: Odyssey. The last drabble for my Making An Impression series. Thanks go to Fred for all the betas, advice and paw-holding.
A/N 2: The first drabble for this series - for prompt 197 was posted on the 5th February 2011! Since then, it has included (if my maths is correct): 190 prompts, 197 posts and 223 drabbles. It will be odd not writing it after so many weeks/months/(years).
Definition: 1) a long series of wanderings or adventures, especially when filled with notable experiences, hardships, etc. 2) any long eventful journey.

James sipped his whisky, thinking about how much had changed since the anomalies had first dropped on to his desk.

He'd made good friends - and more. He smiled when his gaze fell on Connor - but the anomalies had also cost the lives of too many people.

He'd experienced things both exhilarating and terrifying, over that time. He'd never forget the first time he'd stepped into the past; just as he still woke in the night, shaking as he remembered being hunted.

What did surprise James was realising how much he'd miss the anomalies if Matt was correct and they stopped.

making an impression drabble series, connor temple, james lester, dragons, gen, connor/lester

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