Primeval fic: Wake Interrupted

Jul 26, 2014 17:22

Title: Wake Interrupted
Author: knitekat
Word Count: ~400
Characters: James Lester, Tom Ryan, Jenny Lewis, Blade (OC), Lyle (OC), Finn (OC)
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For my Primeval Bingo Card (round 3) prompt: Funerals and Wakes. From Fred's idea but I have no idea what it is ;) Thanks also go to her for the beta. Cheers m'dear.

Lyle tottered slightly as he stood and raised his glass, sloshing the drink inside. “To Ryan! The best damn CO ever.”

Finn blinked owlishly at Lyle before almost knocking over his own pint over as he reached for it, his fingers fumbling for the glass before Blade steadied it for him. Finn shot Blade a grin before clinking his glass with Blade's. “To Ryan!”

Blade repeated the salute before frowning, his green eyes sober as he meet Lester's amused gaze. “Sir?”

Lyle staggered towards Lester, snagging a beer from the table despite Kermit's protests. “Have a beer, James.”

“Jon,” Lester began before sighing and taking the beer before Lyle could spill it on his suit. “I have a surprise for you.”

“Ooh, really darling.” Lyle battered his eyelashes at Lester.

“Not now, Jon,” Lester murmured before running a hand through his hair as he surveyed the entire gathering at the wake - drunk, sober and somewhere in-between - looking almost lost for a moment.

“James?” Jenny asked in concern as she rose from her chair. “Has something happened?”

Lester's lip twitched. “You could say that, Jenny.” He took a deep breath before nodding. “I believe it might be easier if you joined me, captain.”


Every head in the pub shot around to look at the man who had just entered, jaws dropping and beers sloshing as drinks were thumped down on the tables. The silence was shattered by everyone talking at once, voices clamouring for answers.

“Silence!” Lester's voice cut through the babble, he waited for silence to fall before turning to the man who had just entered. “If you'd care to proceed, Ryan.”

“Yes, sir.” Ryan glanced around the pub before taking the drink he was offered. “I woke up in the Permian, alone. I think the predator must have dragged me away...” He shook his head. “I don't really remember, just a gunshot and the predator falling before someone patched me up and dragged me through an anomaly. I immediately called Sir James and...” He shrugged.

“And once he convinced me he wasn't a hoax, I brought him here,” Lester added before pausing to consider his next words. “However, he still has to be debriefed.”

“So...” Lyle asked as he wrapped an arm around Lester's waist and placed a sloppy kiss on his cheek. “Does that mean you're staying too?”

“I expect I can put up with the hardship.”

blade (oc), slash, jon lyle (oc), bingo fic, fixit, fic, jenny lewis, james lester, finn (oc), tom ryan

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