Primeval drabble: Distracted

Jul 06, 2014 17:43

Title: Distracted
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: James Lester, The Minister
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N 1: For the P100 challenge 374: Squirrel. How could I not write Wolfverse for this prompt? Thanks go to Fred for looking it over for me.
A/N 2: See Temptation for a previous Squirrel related prompt ;)

“Am I boring you, James?”

Lester was usually better at paying attention to the minister, but that distracting flash of movement... he forced his attention away from the tree. “Not at all, sir.”

“Is there something I should know?”

“Sir?” Lester asked, barely suppressing a twitch at the bloody tease jumped about in the branches.

“You seem distracted.”

“Sorry, sir.” Lester sighed before reluctantly adding, “It is a personal matter.”


Lester refused to smile when the minister nodded knowingly. Far better to let the man think he was having relationship issues than try to explain his fascinations with squirrels.

werewolf, wolfverse series, au, gen, oc, james lester, drabble, humour

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