Primeval fic: Becker's Terrible Day

Feb 05, 2014 20:11

Title: Becker's Terrible Day
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 1092
Characters: Hilary Becker/James Lester, Abby Maitland, Danny Quinn, (Monty)
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For my Primeval Bingo Card (Round 2) Prompt: Physical Imperfections. Er... cracky. ( Read more... )

slash, bingo fic, fic, monty, james lester, angst, hilary becker, abby maitland, danny quinn

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Comments 17

sallycandance February 6 2014, 02:39:10 UTC
Mwahahahaa! Very, very funny! I love that Becker has named all his hairs!! Every single one of them. I am imagining him holding small mourning ceremonies in the bathroom whenever he witnesses one of them falling out. "Goodbye, Lance. You were a good trooper. I know it's a hard spot right behind the ear, you didn't get the attention you deserved. But you were loved, soldier. Rest in peace."


fredbassett February 6 2014, 20:22:52 UTC
*howls* That's a great thought!


knitekat February 6 2014, 20:41:47 UTC
It is and I can just see Becker doing it.


knitekat February 6 2014, 20:36:46 UTC
*bows* LOL, what a brilliant idea. Poor Becker, he'll need a lot of TLC from Lester after each ceremony.

Thanks for reading.


goldarrow February 6 2014, 05:42:03 UTC
Okay. What had you been eating/drinking/smoking/medicating with when you wrote this? I want some!

That was hilarious! It started off so seriously. I actually thought that all his hair had fallen out, he was so horrified! And it was one tiny little grey hair.



knitekat February 6 2014, 20:38:52 UTC
Hee. Nothing, honestly, nothing ;)

Good to know it worked. Would I be that mean to poor Becker? Becker's pouting, that is one tiny little grey hair too many.

*bows* Thanks for reading.


nietie February 6 2014, 15:00:32 UTC
LOL I was as scared as Becker for a second.

A gray hair?! I have loads of them! LOL

Great crack!fic.


knitekat February 6 2014, 20:40:08 UTC
Sorry, once I had the idea, it had to be.

Poor Becker didn't and now... now he'll be so worried about more.

*bows* Good to know it worked and thanks for reading.


fredbassett February 6 2014, 20:22:25 UTC
LOL!! That's the very definition of a bad hair day!


knitekat February 6 2014, 20:41:19 UTC
It was, poor Becker is traumatised. He'll be even worse with his hair now, checking for any more grey ones ;)

Thanks for reading and for the beta.


fififolle February 7 2014, 19:57:14 UTC
Hahaha! Poor boy. It's all downhill from now :D


knitekat February 8 2014, 19:31:20 UTC
LOL. Poor Becker is whimpering in the corner and Lester is glaring at you ;)

Thanks for reading.


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