Primeval drabble: Maybe?

Sep 07, 2013 20:01

Title: Maybe?
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: James Lester, Helen Cutter, Clone
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For the P100 challenge 331: Magnetic. Part 20 of my Strange Bedfellows drabble series and continues from Just Didn't Understand. Thanks go to Fred for looking at this for me, cheers m'dear.

He'd been sent to bring the man to Her again, and now stood in the shadows, watching him with interest.

How could he ignore the need to please Her? To do as She commanded? A need that even now drew him to Her, waiting Her instructions and helpless to resist Her call. Every time he tried to pull away, he was dragged back towards her...

He frowned slightly, just like those blocks he'd found. The ones that usually moved together but sometimes shot apart.

Maybe the man could show him how he did that... maybe, he could do it too.

strange bedfellows drabble series, helen cutter, drabble, james lester, gen, clone

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