Primeval drabble: Fearing The Answer

Jul 28, 2013 18:20

Title: Fearing The Answer
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: Connor Temple/James Lester
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For the P100 challenge 325: Unanswered Questions. Part of my Making An Impression drabble series and follows Unwarranted Fears. Thanks go to Fred for casting her eyes over this for me, cheers m'dear.

Connor snuggled back against James, sighing with pleasure as his lover held him tight. He enjoyed the warm huffs against the back of his neck as James slipped into sated sleep. He wished he could join him, but even after all the answers James had provided and the fantastic make-up sex, Connor's mind was still too active.

Unanswered questions whirled around and around. Why was Philip working with Helen? What did they want? What would they - what would Philip do now?

That last question kept Connor awake, fearful of the answer as he remembered the look on Philip's face.

making an impression drabble series, drabble, connor temple, slash, james lester, connor/lester

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