Primeval drabble: Things To Be Grateful For

Dec 30, 2012 18:43

Title: Things To Be Grateful For
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: Connor Temple, Abby Maitland.
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For the P100 challenge 295: Grateful. Part of my Making An Impression drabble series and continues from Resolution. Thanks to Fred the wonderful Hound for looking this over for me. Also, if my maths is correct - this is the 100th prompt for this drabble series.

Connor tried to gather the enthusiasm to enjoy the Christmas Abby had spent so long trying to make perfect for him. He knew he should be grateful for all the effort she'd put into it - with help from Becker and a somewhat confused Matt - but the only thing he really wanted for Christmas was for James to be there.

Connor smiled at the image of James naked and under the tree for him... he shook his head, dreams wouldn't get him James back.

He barely paid attention when Abby answered the door, only looking up at her gasp.

making an impression drabble series, drabble, connor temple, gen, abby maitland

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