Primeval fic: Perfect (2/2) - Secret Santa for Kerry-Louise

Dec 28, 2012 16:18

Title: Perfect (Part 2)
Author: knitekat
Word Count: ~4475 (out of ~11230)
Characters: Hilary Becker/James Lester, Lorraine Wickes, Blade (OC), mention of several others.
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace. Oh, and Blade belongs to Fred.
A/N 1: Secret Santa for Kerry-Louise:- Becker/Lester and her prompts - “Pretty, pretty please”, “Waterfall” and “I'm not drunk.” Hope you like it and are having a good Christmas.
A/N 2: Thanks go to the ever wonderful Fred for paw-holding and for a beta and to Fifi for more beta-ing and thoughts on how to improve it. *hugs*
Part 1

James had to admit that Marcus had impeccable taste for the finer things in life. The sun-kissed sand, the warm ocean and the pool with its fake waterfall that James knew Becker would look bloody lovely under made this a great place for a holiday. Even better, in James' opinion, was the private and very secluded villa Marcus was allowing them to use and his staff who took discretion to the highest level.

As he relaxed on the sun lounger, James was forced to admit - although only to himself - that Becker (and everyone else who had been in on it) had been correct. It had only been when he had finally relaxed that James had realised how tightly wound he had been and how right Becker had been to be concerned for him. He smiled ruefully, it had been so long since anyone had cared enough for James to make him take care of himself and it was one more thing he needed to add to his list of things he owed Becker for.

His thoughts screeched to a halt when Becker walked towards the pool before he dived in to cut effortlessly through the water. It was a lovely distraction from the heat of the day and James' mind wondered to the thought of how good a wet Becker would look, all stretched out and waiting for him. Oh God. Reality was even better than James' imagination when Becker surged out of the pool, water streaming down his toned body in rivulets and, oh fuck! When had Becker lost his shorts? The water flowing down each side of his groin framed his cock perfectly and James found himself licking his lips at the thought of tasting his lover.

James gasped as Becker prowled unselfconsciously towards him, and he raised his hands as if to ward him off as he suddenly remembered where they were. “Becker!” He glanced around the currently deserted pool. “We can't.”

Becker grinned wolfishly and padded closer to James before kissing him firmly and tugging him out of his lounger and towards the waterfall.

“We can't,” James repeated as he shook his head, his eyes still darting around in case one of the highly efficient staff had arrived early while he'd been distracted by the sight of his naked lover. But as Becker kept tugging him to follow him, James found himself helpless to resist Becker and really, how could anyone expect him to resist when his lover looked like a wet dream?

“Yes we can, James,” Becker told him and James groaned as his lover once more turned into an octopus. He grinned as he leaned in for a kiss, his tongue licking at James' lips until he moaned and allowed Becker access. Once both men were breathless, Becker smiled mischievously at James. “I've always wanted to shag under a waterfall and the way you look at it, I know you've had the same thoughts.”

James gave a needy moan in reply. He couldn't deny Becker's claims when he knew the man knew him far too well. Oh God, he so wanted to take Becker and shag him hard, but he still shook his head. “You do know you aren't supposed to drink and swim.”

“I'm not drunk.” Becker laughed. “At least, not on alcohol.”

“We could shag in the shower.” James's common sense made a bid to put his libido firmly in its place.

“Where's your sense of adventure?”

“Safely locked up,” James muttered. “You really do live for danger, don't you?”

Becker snorted. “We've been shagging for how long and you've only just realised that?” He slipped his fingertips inside James' shorts and used that hold to tug James nearer to the waterfall. “Come on, James. Live a little.”

James gave a long suffering sigh, but his libido had his common sense in a choke hold and they did seem to be alone and, well, the thought of having what Becker was offering was too bloody enticing. “Fine.”

Becker blinked at his sudden acquiescence and tilted his head in silent enquiry.

“Oh, I see.” James raised an imperious eyebrow at his lover. “Now I've agreed with you, you want to back out.” He pushed Becker towards the waterfall. “I do hope you thought of preparing yourself, because I'm not in the mood for foreplay.”

Becker grinned and walked into the edge of the waterfall, wiggling his hips as he walked and showing James just how perfect and pert his arse was. Once under the spray, Becker turned back around and ran a hand over his erection. “What are you waiting for?”

Fuck! Becker looked so bloody good under the spray, water running over his muscles and drawing James' eyes down to his full cock. James gave a needy moan as his libido delivered a drop-kick to his common sense and stepped into Becker's personal space, pressing a demanding kiss against his lips and feeling Becker's hands touching and stroking his skin as his tongue demanded entrance. It was only when Becker pulled away with a grin that James realised his shorts were around his ankles. “Sneaky bastard.”

“Just the way you like me.” Becker dropped gracefully to his knees and licked James' cock from tip to root before grinning up at James.

James forgot any comments that he might have been about to make about how this was not sensible when Becker's talented mouth engulfed him and his lover swallowed expertly around him before proceeding to suck his brains out through his cock.

Gasping as he came back down, James ran his fingers through his smug-looking lover's hair and groaned. “I think you killed me.” When Becker looked even more pleased with himself, James felt fully entitled to add, “Although you do realise this puts a bit of a damper on you getting shagged under the waterfall.” He chuckled at Becker's pout.

“There is always tomorrow.” Becker's pout turned into a grin as he ran a finger down James' spent cock. “Or now if I coax some life back into the poor old thing.”

“Less of the poor, old thing, if you don't mind,” James muttered back before he groaned as Becker put his mouth to good use. As he watched Becker's mouth stretched around him, James remembered an earlier conversation. Could he? He did trust Becker and he knew how much Becker liked - no, loved it when James fucked him. Before he could change his mind, James gently tugged on Becker's hair until he released James with a soft pop. “Would you still be interested in shagging me, Becks?”

Becker blinked and opened his mouth but no words came out. He swallowed and licked his lips before managing, “Me fuck you?”

James laughed softly at the sight of his normally articulate lover reduced to near speechlessness. He cupped Becker's chin and nodded. “If you are still interested?”

“Fuck yes!” Becker quickly stood up, his cock quivering at full attention, before he shifted uncertainly. “If you're sure...?”

James smiled. “Do you really think I'd offer if I wasn't?” He dropped a hand down to stroke Becker, moaning as he felt the silky soft skin and the hardness that he would soon be intimately introduced to, which reminded him of something. “Um. We might need to get some lubricant.”

“And this from someone who wasn't interested in foreplay earlier.” Becker looked concerned when James swallowed nervously. “James? When were you last fucked?”

“Um,” James hedged and refused to meet Becker's eyes.

“Oh fuck! You're a virgin!” Becker cried out in sudden realisation. “I can't... I couldn't...”

James glared at Becker as he bit off each word. “I am not a virgin.”

“Of course not, James. You've just never bottomed in your life. How could I have confused the two?”

“If you remember, I do the jokes,” James muttered at Becker's sarcasm and took a firmer hold on Becker's cock when he tried to walk away. “Please, Becks, I want you to fuck me.” He used his grip on Becker to tug him closer and into a kiss. “I trust you with my life, Becker, why shouldn't I trust you to fuck me?”

Becker drew back until he could met James' eyes, seeming to look deep into them for something before he nodded. “Fine, but I think a bed might be a good idea.”

James shook his head. “No, I think I want you right here, right now.” When Becker still hesitated, James quirked his trademark eyebrow and added, “Please, Becks, I trust you to make it feel good for me.” When Becker still looked doubtful, James played his last card. “I want you to be my first.”

Becker took a deep breath before releasing it. “Fine, but it's your arse.”

“I thought that was the idea, unless you're planning on fucking another of my orifices?” James pulled Becker in for another kiss before he stepped out of his shorts and turned to face the wall, leaning on his forearms and spreading his legs in readiness. He could feel the spray from the waterfall hitting his skin and shivered when he felt Becker's hands stroke over his back. He groaned when Becker pressed against him and he could feel Becker's cock nestling in his crack. It was then that he remembered something very important. “Becks? Do you have any lubricant?”

“I'm naked, what do you think, James?”

“Ah.” James muttered, he might be willing to be shagged but he certainly wasn't going to let Becker's cock anywhere never him without some proper preparation occurring first. He smiled as he recalled his own solution to that particular problem one night when the shops were shut and his bottom was begging for it and wondered if Becker would be willing to give it a go. “You could always do it the old fashioned way.”

“Which would be?” Becker sounded interested, which was always a good sign.

“Rim me.” James didn't see the point of being subtle, not right at this moment.


James shook his head. “And I thought you soldier types were always prepared for everything?”

Becker snorted softly. “Of course we are. I never leave home without my tongue.”

James snorted. “Good. Now, if you get enough saliva in me it will make a reasonable substitution for the lubricant.”

“I have rimmed a lover before, James, I do know what to do,” Becker murmured as he pressed a kiss against James' neck. “And I guarantee you'll love the preparation.”

“Are you going to talk about it or actually do it?” James asked as Becker rubbed himself against him.

“Oh, I plan to do it.” Becker ran his hands over James' side. “Let me know if it is uncomfortable, especially if it hurts, OK?”

“It will be fine, Becks.” James shifted as he spread his legs wider, showing his trust for Becker by shoving his arse back and wiggling it.

“And you call me keen.” Becker squeezed James' arse. “Promise me you'll tell me if I'm hurting you, James, or I won't do this. I won't hurt you.”

James nodded, swallowing his sudden fear at the thought of what he was about to let Becker do to him. He tried to relax, knowing how much Becker loved to be fucked. Knowing that Becker would make it good for him, that he'd take good care of James as he... James swallowed again, his fears rising as Becker made him wait. He wanted this done, now, before his fears overcame him and he called a halt to the whole thing before he could find out why Becker loved being fucked so much. “Get on with it.” When Becker still hesitated, James added, “Please, Becks. Hilary.”

James felt Becker's hands slide down his back to rest on his arse, kneading his cheeks as Becker kissed his way down his spine. James gasped when Becker eased his cheeks apart and warm breath caressed him intimately. He shuddered when he felt Becker's warm, wet tongue swipe along his crack before it began to lick and twirl around his pucker. Bloody hell, now he knew why Becker loved this so much, especially when he felt Becker's stubble rasp against his sensitive skin. “Fuck!” James' cock twitched in need when Becker's tongue pressed into him, pushing past his muscle and... James gasped and was soon lost in the sensations it created inside him as Becker's tongue probed and tortured him. He gasped as a finger wiggled against him, before there was a stab of pain as it pushed inside him. He felt Becker pause and press a kiss against his cheek before a hand slipped around to tease his now flaccid cock. Becker's hand swiped over James' tip before smoothing the pre-come he had collected to ease his strokes.

James moaned and thrust into Becker's grip, the pain of that finger pushing deeper into him faded slightly with the pleasure Becker's hand on his cock was sparking. He gasped and bucked when the questing finger touched something inside him. Something that sent pleasure racing along his nerves to explode in his brain. Fuck! He'd never realised a prostate was that sensitive or that it felt so good when it was stimulated. No wonder Becker loved it when he hammered his and he so wanted to feel it for himself. Pleasure swept through James and he was barely aware of his words until they were uttered. “Becker, I'm ready.”

“Not until I say you are.” Becker's voice was rough with suppressed need and the sound of it went straight to James' rapidly filling cock.

“Please, Becks.” James moaned when Becker continued to tease him, his finger dragging repeatedly inside to spark pleasure that raced along James' nerves to explode in his brain. “Oh God, do that again.”

“Feels good, doesn't it, James?” Becker pressed a kiss against James' arse. “Just think how good my cock will feel inside you, slipping in and out and driving you out of your mind.”

James took a deep, calming breath. “Not at this rate, Becker, dear.”

Becker snorted against his skin. “Correct as ever, my dear James.”

James almost jumped when he heard the soft pop he recognised as the cap coming off the lubricant. His tone was slightly accusatory when he asked, “I thought you didn't have any lubricant?”

Becker snorted as he smoothed lubricant around James' pucker. “I've stashed it earlier, James, I've been planning on getting fucked under the waterfall since I first saw it.”

James rolled his eyes. “Why aren't I surprised?”

Becker squeezed James' cock hard. “Please remember I'm a solider, James. Always prepared.”

“I thought that was the Boy Scouts,” James managed as Becker pushed his lubricant-coated finger in deep and pressed just right. “Fuck! Do that again.”

Becker chuckled as he wiggled his finger, crooking it just right to prod James' prostate and have him press back for more. “Feels good, doesn't it, James?”

Becker didn't wait for an answer and James wasn't convinced he would have been able to provide one. Not the way Becker slipped another finger inside and began to stretch James in earnest. It was a strange feeling, those fingers inside him, knowing they were gently easing him open for Becker's cock. It wasn't pain, not exactly, or even discomfort as that faded whenever Becker's fingertips grazed that spot inside him. James felt a momentary twinge of pain when another finger breached him but was soon rocking back onto them before thrusting into Becker's fist. So lost in the sensations Becker was arousing in him that he almost missed Becker's comment.

“I do hope you're ready, James.”

James moaned in loss when Becker's fingers slipped free, leaving behind an empty feeling before he felt something hard and blunt press against his opening. He took a shuddering breath as he realised that it was Becker's cock about to enter him, to fill him and take him.

Breath puffed against James' neck as Becker chuckled, “I wonder if I could make you beg me for it.” He rubbed the tip of his cock against James' entrance. “I bet I could, what do you think, James?”

“I think you'd better get on with it before I get bored.”

“Oh, I really think I can.” Becker nuzzled James' neck as he continued to tease him with his cock.

James shivered at the sensations Becker was creating in him from just brushing his opening like that and he wanted to know how much better it would feel when that cock was buried in him. “Becker!”

“Not until you ask me nicely,” Becker told him as he continued to tease James, brushing tantalisingly against his opening but refusing to press inside. “Wouldn't you like this inside you, James? Fucking you until you come and I fill your arse?”

James groaned. “Bloody hell, Becks, I never realised you were a cocktease.” When Becker just continued to rub against him, James moaned. “Oh fuck! Just do it, Becks.”

“You know how to get what you want.”

“You are so paying for this later.”

“Yes, please.”

Becker sounded eager and James knew his lover would love him to fuck him hard and put him away wet. He also knew his lover was serious about not fucking him until he begged for it and, well, James really did want to be fucked. “Fine. Please, Becks, fuck me.”

“You can do better than that.”

James wiggled back against Becker, trying to tease him into the action he seemed so reluctant to take. “Please, Becks. Please fuck me.” James grinned as he remembered something his lover had said and adding, “Pretty, pretty please.”

Becker snorted in amusement. “I'm not convinced you mean it, but...”

James held his breath when he felt Becker press against him, feeling him slip inside him and oh fuck, Becker's cock felt so bloody big, far bigger than his fingers, as he slid deeper and deeper inside him, filling him. James felt so bloody full and almost painfully stretched and he could hear harsh pants. It was only when he heard Becker murmuring encouragement in his ear and felt his lover's hands soothe over his skin to rub calming circles on his belly that James realised it was him panting.

“Relax, James. Just let me in.” Becker pressed kisses against James' shoulders and neck. “That's it, just let me in.” Becker groaned as he sank in further. “You feel so fucking good, so tight and hot.”

James managed to take slow, deep breaths as he felt himself split open until he felt Becker blanketing him, knowing his lover was buried balls-deep inside him. It wasn't exactly a painful feeling, more one of being uncomfortably full. He continued to breath as evenly as he could while Becker petted him and coaxed his flaccid cock back to hardness.

Finally, the sensation of being over-stuffed faded to be replaced by the need for something more. Leaning against the wall with Becker's hand holding his hips still, James knew he wouldn't be able to get the leverage he required. Now James understood Becker's favourite move when they were at this point of the proceedings, the one almost guaranteed to make James fuck him and the one, James hoped, that would make Becker do so now. He squeezed around Becker's cock and smiled as he listened to the needy moan his lover gave. “I believe you were going to make me beg.”

“Oh, I plan to.” Becker's other hand took its position on his hips, holding James firmly. “Ready?”

“Get on with it.” James tried his best to sound bored, but he could hear the needy whine in his own voice.

James gasped when Becker began to move - long, slow, easy glides in and out of him that brushed James' prostate with each thrust. It wasn't an uncomfortable feeling, just an odd sensation that sparked into pleasure when Becker's cock brushed against his sweet spot. It felt so good and yet not enough, not nearly enough. He needed more, he wanted more and pushed back to meet each of Becker's thrusts. Gasping and clenching and he could hear Becker's laughter as the words began to tumble from his mouth. “Please, Becks”, “Feels so good,” “Fuck me,” and “Oh God, there. Right there.”

“Knew I could get you to beg,” Becker murmured into James' ear before he began to move faster, harder and deeper as he drove over and over again into James' willing body.

It felt so bloody good as pleasure danced along James' nerves to explode in his brain, his world narrowing to the feel of Becker's hands on his hips, Becker panting against his neck and most of all, the feel of Becker's cock slamming into his prostate and making him see stars. James managed to take his weight on one arm and dropped his free hand down to stroke himself. “Please, Becks. Let me come. I need to come. Please.” James didn't care that he was begging, he just needed to come. He squeezed hard around Becker and groaned as Becker slammed harder into him, spearing his prostate and then James was coming and the world greyed out.

James came back to himself to find Becker still moving inside him before he felt Becker gasp against his neck and spurt inside him.

“God, you feel so fucking good, James,” Becker panted before he began to carefully pull free, pausing when James winced. “Shh. Just relax and let me out.”

“Fuck!” James slowly relaxed as Becker rubbed soothing circles on his belly. He groaned when he felt Becker's cock pop free. As he felt his arse throb and ache, James had to know, “It is that bad when I fuck you?”

“No, it gets easier the more you're fucked.” Becker pressed a kiss against his shoulder. “The position probably didn't help either, its not really the best angle for your first time.”

Later in their room, James lay on their bed and thought back over the day. He had never thought he'd have public sex, well, fine, as far as he knew no one had seen them, but still... and certainly he'd never thought he'd ever let anyone top him. All he could think was that the wine he had consumed at lunch and whatever cocktail Becker had suggested must have had a greater effect than he'd expected.

He looked up at Becker's snort and scowled at the smirking man as Becker said, “No, James. You can't get away with saying you were drunk.”

“Fine,” James groused with ill-grace, “I wasn't drunk.” He folded his arms and glared at the now chuckling Becker.

“Sorry, James.” Becker tried and failed to stifle his chuckles.

“Mmmm.” James continued to try to glare at his lover but kept having to shift position as his arse protested.

Becker stopped chuckling and sat down on the bed beside James, his voice full of concern when he asked, “Are you OK?”

“Fine.” James repeated before sighing at the look on Becker's face as once more he blamed himself for something that wasn't his fault... well, not entirely. “Just a bit sore, but before you start feeling guilty, I asked you to fuck me.”

“I know, but I knew we shouldn't have done it out there.” Becker closed his eyes briefly before reaching out to rub soothing circles on James' belly. “Losing your virginity should be memorable, James, not painful.”

James chuckled before wincing slightly from the twinge in his arse. “I'm pretty sure losing it under a waterfall, even a fake one, counts as memorable. I certainly won't forget it in a hurry.”

“So...” A smile flickered around Becker's mouth as he looked at James. “Would you be willing to bottom again?”

James didn't answer immediately as he considered Becker. Did he want to be fucked again? It had been somewhat uncomfortable and still was when he moved the wrong way, but it had also felt so bloody good. He smiled up at his uncertain-looking lover. “I might be persuaded to occasionally let you top.” Becker's look of relief told James just how worried his lover had been. “However, tonight I believe I have an appointment with your arse.”

Becker's gaze dropped eagerly down to James' cock as he muttered, “Damn right you do.”

“How could I forget, with you being such a pushy bottom?” James tugged Becker down for a kiss. “And I really do need to thank you for this holiday.” James paused as he realised why he'd finally allowed someone to top him. It wasn't just a matter of trusting Becker, it was far more. He opened his mouth before closing it, uncertain of Becker's reaction.

“James?” Becker looked worried once more. “Are you sure you're OK?”

James nodded and smiled as he caressed Becker's face. “I was just thinking...” He paused for a heartbeat before ploughing on before he lost his nerve. “Would you like to come back here? For our honeymoon?” When Becker just blinked at him, James felt his heart twist and forced himself to add, “If you want me..?”

Becker almost plastered himself against James as he kissed him hard in a kiss that left both men panting when they finally separated. Becker's face was shining and his eyes were suspiciously bright. “Of course I want you.” He sniffed. “I never thought...” He shook his head.

“That I'd want you for more than just a fuck?” James finished Becker's sentence. “You mean far more to me than that, Becks.” He nudged Becker's chin until his lover looked him in the eyes. “Would you do me the honour of marrying me, Hilary James Becker?”

Becker nodded before managing, “Bloody hell, of course I will.” A brilliant smile appeared on Becker's face. “I love you, James Peregrine Lester.”

“I should bloody well hope so considering you've just taken my virginity.” James paused for a moment before adding, “I love you too, Becks.”

becker/lester, slash, james lester, secret santa, hilary becker, fic

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