Primeval drabble: Never Give Up

Nov 23, 2012 21:23

Title: Never Give Up
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: Connor Temple, Rex
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For the P100 challenge 290: Rain. Part of my Making An Impression drabble series and follows on from The One For Me. Thanks go to Fred for casting her eye over it for me

Connor stared out into the night, the rain and darkness suited his mood - bleak and miserable. He turned away forlornly and almost jumped at an angry sounding chitter from Rex. The coelurosauravus flipped his wings and just seemed to stare at Connor.

Connor nodded and dashed the tears from his face, James would never give up on finding him if he was lost. He took a deep breath and grabbed his laptop, powering it up before he began to search through Philip's - and Prospero's - holdings, looking for the one where he knew James was waiting for him.

making an impression drabble series, drabble, connor temple, rex, gen

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