Primeval drabble: A Job To Do

Apr 09, 2012 20:32

Title: A Job To Do
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: April Leonard
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For the P100 challenge 257: April Leonard. Part of my Making An Impression drabble series and follows on from I've Waited This Long. Thanks go to Fred ( Read more... )

making an impression drabble series, drabble, gen, april leonard

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Comments 36

ebonyfeather April 9 2012, 20:15:56 UTC
Eeek! Poor Connor.


knitekat April 9 2012, 21:11:03 UTC
*nods* I'm still being mean to Connor still. Thanks for reading.


eriah211 April 9 2012, 20:41:31 UTC
Oh, no! Poor Connor! She says she loves him, but she doesn't treat him well, me thinks :(


knitekat April 9 2012, 21:13:09 UTC
*nods* Poor Connor has no idea. Um, it is meant to be April likes Philip, maybe that wasn't as clear as I thought *shrugs*... although it would work the other way...

Thanks for reading.


eriah211 April 9 2012, 21:17:45 UTC
I have read it again, more carefully, and yes, it's clear it's about Philip. I'm very sleepy and I'm about to go to bed, that's my excuse, LOL.


knitekat April 10 2012, 18:00:47 UTC
It is a very good excuse *nods* ;)


reggietate April 9 2012, 21:01:26 UTC
Oooh, sinister April! :-)


knitekat April 9 2012, 21:14:44 UTC
Glad you liked sinister April and thanks for reading.


clea2011 April 9 2012, 21:30:12 UTC
Oooh, watch out Connor, April's dangerous and somewhat jealous as well... Nice addition to the series :-)


knitekat April 10 2012, 18:05:19 UTC
Unfortunately, Connor doesn't know he needs to watch out, but April is certainly not happy. Thanks for reading and glad you liked it.


tay_21 April 9 2012, 22:21:14 UTC
Wow! Connor better watch out. Love makes people do stupid things.


knitekat April 10 2012, 18:11:19 UTC
Hee, Connor should... Love does and has ;) Glad you liked it and thanks for reading.


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