10 Things I Know About Me (Part the First)

Dec 15, 2006 10:30

So. I have been tagged twice for this 10-things meme. And I have 1-2 other LJ entries I've been writing in my head for a week - one fluffy, one seriousy. We'll see if either of those see the light of day. Depends on how my next 30 hours go, I guess. (Nothing too big going on, just shit to do.)
I will admit to having some help with these, but they're all real. Some of them I feel like I've written about before, some might not be that weird, but meh.

I don't really have a coke vs. pepsi preference. When I was dating Emily, I drank almost exclusively Coke because she cared so so much, but I'm equally happy drinking either.

Maybe I've written about this before, but I always find it interesting: For several years, I dug a hole in the back of my parents' house. (I hesitate to call it a back yard because of the house's placement, but no matter.) I'd spend hours back there with a trowel, just chipping away. The hole got to be about 2 feet deep, 3 feet wide, but that was it. I dreamt of having an underground lair/bomb shelter.

I wouldn't wear jeans until 6th grade, when I made a wholesale switch at my brother's urging. Sweatpants all the way, baby. And to emulate him in 4th & 5th grade, I wore a fanny pack, which I kept a calculator in.

When I graduated from college, I was wearing my ex-girlfriend's pants. I dare you to name one other person for whom that's true. (Their ex-girlfriend, not mine.)

My sense of personal fashion has gone from lame to dull to totally skewed, as most people in my office can attest. It somehow makes sense to me to wear a necktie one day, and periwinkle corduroys the next.

As stated in most of my online profiles, I (used to) take my pants off at parties. There was never a common factor. Sometimes it was the Baltimore summer heat, sometimes it was because I'd had water thrown on me, and sometimes it was because I was behind the bar so nobody would be able to know. Until I got too giggly & told everyone.

I've appeared naked on stage. I received no pay, probably not even a credit in the program. *COUGH*WORTH IT*COUGH*. (How many of you readers witnessed this? 3? 5?)

I couldn't tie my shoes until I was about 8. This didn't seem to concern my family nor my teachers, and I just was able to wear velcro. Then one day I was in my room & just happened to try to tie the drawstring on my sweatpants. Hooray!

I'd really like to be an animal when I grow up/retire/get reincarnated, but which one it is depends on the week/etc. Once I told antinats that I'd really like to be a cat. Dog is the most frequent one. More recently, great apes seem like a nice lifestyle.

I poop too much. And when I was younger, I'd always remove just one pants leg completely to do so.

10 more on their way? We'll see. I tag... chanzi, sinda, czeano, jurph, suomifrikki, and gloebug.

animals, meme, poop, barnstormers, death, knile, clothing, survey

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