The radio station I always listen to in the morning during my ridiculous commute was playing insufferable, terribly cheesy and demented songs with little children singing over it, a la "Tears in Heaven" and other such whiney things. I cursed them in the car readily and had to switch stations throughout the drive.
I get to work, print an overdue
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Comments 12
Our systems aren't working. (again)
I'm considering going to Washington Square for costume shopping tonight. Not for me ... for other people. You're invited, of course, though I don't know how exciting it will be or if you're available. :)
I was a junior in high school on Sept. 11, 2001, and even then, at 16 years old, I knew something of our response was off. At 23, I'm sure of it.
I was a freshman at Fox when they happened, where thank the Lord my cynicism could be received well. My first thought after hearing that was literally "oh crap, now we're going to go find someone to bomb." Insensitive to the loss of life in our own country? Perhaps, but with all the flag waving I knew was going to take place, I figured having at least one person concerned about a violent reaction, it might be a good thing ( ... )
I wish I had been at Fox for 9/11. High schoolers were allowed no cynicism. I tried to talk about it with a teacher and they told me to look at the big picture - meaning, go wave your flag around and sing 'Proud to be an American'.
Ah well. We can all be cynical now. :)
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