Weekly Weigh In

Aug 15, 2008 15:58

Not quite a pound off this week, but I have lost an inch and a half off the waist!

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weight loss goals

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Comments 12

hppyflwr August 15 2008, 20:09:45 UTC
WOOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!! Keep up pretty lady



knic26 August 15 2008, 20:25:10 UTC
Thank you so much!!


mordyn4 August 15 2008, 20:46:43 UTC
M'kay. I'm jumping on the bandwagon.

Thank for the link to the ticker factory. They are spiffy. :)


knic26 August 15 2008, 22:59:12 UTC
Awesome! Have you seen fandomweighs_in? It's a group of fandom folk trying to encourage each other. I think it may be helping to have likeminded people helping one another.


mordyn4 August 15 2008, 23:11:20 UTC
Eh! I didn't know about that. Thanks for the link! :D


delicatetruth August 15 2008, 21:06:07 UTC
Inches definitely show more than pounds.


knic26 August 15 2008, 23:00:04 UTC
That is very true! I still need to work on the exercise part, though. Maybe i will go out dancing tomorrow!


anmarilla August 15 2008, 21:28:32 UTC
Congrats! It's gotta be nice to see all your hard work paying off!


knic26 August 15 2008, 23:00:19 UTC
It really helps! Thank you!!


earth_dragon August 15 2008, 21:40:55 UTC
you've gotta be really proud! yea!


knic26 August 15 2008, 23:00:59 UTC
I am, but I know I need to work harder. Exercise is my friend...I just haven't gotten around to it as much as I should yet.


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