Dear Yuletide Fairy

Oct 27, 2014 22:42

First of all, thank you for agreeing to participate in this challenge and write a story for me! I am a seasoned Yuletider and it is definitely the highlight of my fannish calendar every year. The holidays are often a stressful time loaded with unpleasant family drama (as I'm sure they are for many) and Yuletide has become my happy place in all of ( Read more... )

dear author, yuletide

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Comments 4

kith_koby October 27 2014, 17:26:10 UTC
Cousin! It has been too long since I heard from you! Please, when you replace the placeholder, do me the favro of informing me of your well-being? I have missed your (semi) regular updates...


kmo_lj October 28 2014, 03:22:52 UTC
yes, i plan to do a regular post update soon. sorry, things have been busy busy for me at work lately. but i'm ok! just swamped. second year of teaching...kind of just as much work as the first i've found. hope you are well. :)


kith_koby October 29 2014, 06:43:36 UTC
No need to apologize, dearest; Lord knows I myself have only actively returned a fortnight ago, the three months previous being incredibly busy (and in truth, the army is still very busy, but I've got less pressure and am handling it better). I am excellent; off to a week o f guard duty tomorrow, which may sound onerous, but is actually exactly what I need - get away from the school and the office and just relax for a week. I hope to hear more from you soon.

Oh, and this: "What if Imriel was the one sent to Carthage to marry Astegal and Sidonie had to go to Cythera to ask for Melisande's help?" - Why would you so tempt with that idea? WHY? And I know I don't have time to write it, I'm still chipping away at my Ysandre/Melisande AU while also having started A Silmarillion fanfic... we really need more Kushiel fic.

In any case, glad to hear you are doing well even if busy, and as always, all my love!


silverflight8 November 1 2014, 17:44:14 UTC
Lots of Kushiel's Legacy requests this year again! :D


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