On travel in Russia

Feb 18, 2014 18:21

Нечасто попадается почитать приятное о России. Для читающих по-английски - вот заметки нашей подруги из Индонезии Шуни о ее поездке в Россию этой зимой: http://callmesonja.travellerspoint.com/34/

It is not so frequent that to find something pleasant to read about Russia. ( Read more... )

обычаи и нравы, Россия, путешествия, travel, russia, mores

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Comments 1

Spasibo! ext_1063831 February 19 2014, 06:13:18 UTC
Andrey, thank you so much for featuring my blog! I'm so proud, so happy.... I'm still half through. May you all take pleasure till the end of this first part of my Russian journey. I say 'first', because I'm returning to Russia this July.

Andrey, I owe you. You opened the gate to Russia for me by assisting with a lot of precious information I owe other Russians, too, who had contributed to my trip: the people on the bus, on the trem, on the streets, at the hotels, and of course at ATP Primorye. May "Call Me Sonja" be my token of gratitude.


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