A New Sith, or Revenge of the Hope

Jan 03, 2011 10:59

Reconsidering Star Wars IV in the light of I-III

[I originally wrote this piece in 2005 and a friend posted it on his website. That site has recently gone down, so I'm reposting it here, as it still gets a lot of interest.]

If we accept all the Star Wars films as the same canon (as it seems we must) then a lot that happens in the original films has ( Read more... )

connections, star wars

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Comments 102

anonymous February 16 2011, 22:13:32 UTC
Re: Pathetic. Simply pathetic. ext_432388 February 17 2011, 11:53:14 UTC
I don't ordinarily participate in discussions like this, but I thought I would give you another perspective you may not have seen.

I read this a couple years ago, and not only did I think it was a work of genius that I (and I assume you) would have a hard time crafting myself, but the whole time I got the vibe that the writer was subtly poking Lucas in the eye the whole time. It's kind of what I appreciate the most out of the piece; the irony that a fan compellingly tied the loose ends together when the film makers didn't even bother... and did it largely by using the cheap, merchandising-driven cameo of Chewbacca in Episode III.

At any rate, I can certainly agree with you about Empire.


Re: Pathetic. Simply pathetic. blufive February 17 2011, 23:09:33 UTC
You've hit it on the head. If I may paraphrase stuff Keith has said in person: "The official story has so many implausibilities and outright holes that I can't enjoy it any more. So I come up with a better one for my own entertainment"

The fun bit? He has several of these things. Not just Star Wars. We keep trying to persuade him to write them down...


Re: Pathetic. Simply pathetic. anonymous March 22 2011, 15:33:30 UTC
please, persuade more. tell him to slap some google text ads up here or something to make it worth the time


anonymous February 16 2011, 23:29:27 UTC
"Obi-Wan, who saw Anakin's performance in the Pod Race, is nervous." Obi-Wan was on the ship at the time of the pod race. Qui-Gon was the Jedi who witnessed Anakin's victory.


theweaselking February 17 2011, 02:51:34 UTC
I'm pretty sure Obi-Wan heard about it, or watched it on TV like the other 99% of Tattoine. Point is, between Pod Race and New Hope, Obi-wan knows that Luke's awesome shit is the same kind of awesome shit Vader pulled in the early years.


anonymous February 17 2011, 02:17:57 UTC
I loved it, particularly the R2 bits that have him haggling with the Jawas and your descriptions of him and Chewie hiding behind the front men. Thank you.

el oh el to all you commenters who can't recognize a joke


If only anonymous February 17 2011, 02:21:57 UTC
It would be nice to think that it was that well thought out. It would be nice to think Chewie and R2 were secretly more than comic relief. Unfortunately, it's all too obvious they were just jammed into the prequels at whatever angle for nostalgia, merchandising or whatever. I like your version better.


anonymous February 17 2011, 03:41:07 UTC
Now someone has to make a subtitle translation of R2-D2's and Chewbacca's "lines" based on these assumptions. it would be hilarious.


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