Mar 23, 2009 01:44
So, like most people, I make a lot of New Year's resolutions that I don't keep. I make a lot of resolutions at other times in the year too, and I don't tend to keep those either. I like to take on challenges that I forget about (remember the post(s) about reading 50 books?). I probably did read 50 books that year, but stopped keeping track around halfway through. I have countless fanfiction challenges left uncompleted. In short, I don't finish things.
And now I'm back with another challenge I'm probably going to post about once or twice and not post about ever again. Sorry. But hey, I'm trying, right?
This time it's the 101 in 1001 challenge. It's like a New Year's resolution, only you make 101 of them. And instead of having a year to slack off and forget and then come back to it in December, you get 1001 days (about 2.75 years) to try and remember.
I'm going to keep some of them. I have to. I'm graduating in May; I'm getting married in a little over a year. Those are two of my goals, and a lot of wedding related stuff is on my list (mostly because that's what I'm going to be spending a lot of time doing/thinking about over the next year).
On the other hand, I've got a lot of goals that probably won't get done, but I hope I put in a good effort. I worked it out so that my end date was December 31, 2012. This means I'm not officially starting this until April 4. But I finished my list tonight, and I'm posting it now, so that I can look at it and remind myself. A lot.
Daily Habits (eventually) Start with one month.
1. Brush twice a day. (0/31)
2. Floss. (31/31)
3. Mouth wash (0/31)
4. Wash face. (0/31)
5. Write. (0/31)
6. Run (at least 3 times a week). (0/13)
7. Do Yoga. (0/31)
8. Meditate. (0/31)
9. Have 15 minutes of guilt free relaxation. (0/31)
10. Drink 8 glasses of water. (0/31)
11. Multi-vitamin. (0/31)
Exercise/Health goals
12. Complete the Couch to 5k challenge.
13. Run a 5k.
14. Log 100 miles. (0/100)
15. Lose 10 pounds. (0/10)
16. Lose another 10 pounds. (0/10)
17. Lose another 10 pounds. (0/10)
18. See a doctor about my headaches.
Purchases I need to make to fulfill other goals
19. Pedometer.
20. Running shoes.
21. Camera.
Purchases I want to make
22. Car with a stick shift.
23. DDRMax.
24. Computer.
25. Kingdom Hearts.
26. Music on list.
27. Star Trek.
28. Fruits Basket.
Fun/Growth Goals
29. Learn 300 words in Japanese. (0/300)
30. Know the grammar in Genki 1 well enough to read the conversations without help.
31. Finish the puzzles in the basement.
32. Finish video games
a. Kingdom Hearts
b. Kingdom Hearts 2
c. Final Fantasy 7
d. Final Fantasy 10
e. Final Fantasy 10-2
33. Finish cross stitch projects
34. Finish Kongregate badges (and stay caught up).(62.3% done)
35. Finish Nanowrimo 2009.
36. If I do, finish Nanowrimo 2010.
37. Write 100,000 new words of fiction. (0/100,000)
38. Donate 1,000,000 grains of rice on (4,000/1,000,000)
39. Try 20 new recipes. (0/20)
40. Bake 10 new items. (0/10)
41. Finish Fruits Basket fanfic challenges I’ve accepted.
42. Read unread books on my bookshelf.
43. Read the Bible, cover-to-cover.
44. Make homemade soap.
45. Make homemade deodorant.
46. Send a message in a bottle.
47. Throw a surprise party.
48. Do Flickr’s 365 challenge.
49. Learn to change a tire.
50. Take a martial arts class.
51. Play DDR for an hour a week.
52. Find a letterbox.
53. Mail a secret to PostSecret.
54. Paint my nails more.
55. Apply to Mensa.
56. Find openly atheist friends.
57. Learn to properly apply makeup.
58. Find an excuse to dress up once a month.
59. Take a yoga class.
60. Finish revising a story.
61. Submit a story to a magazine.
62. Get a story published.
63. Get a massage.
64. Go on a vacation (other than honeymoon) with just me and Adam.
65. List music I want.
66. Blog about/update my goals once a month (0/33).
Practical Stuff
67. Graduate.
68. Find a dentist in Virginia.
69. Find a doctor in Virginia.
70. Find a gynecologist in Virginia.
71. Find a hair dresser in Virginia.
72. Find an ophthalmologist in Virginia.
73. Get insurance (all sorts).
74. Transfer everything out of my parents’ name.
75. Get a job in Ohio.
76. Get a job in Virginia.
77. Get married.
78. Save $5,000. (0/5000)
79. Get out of debt (including student loans).
Wedding Stuff
80. Dress
81. Invitations
82. Music
83. Flowers
84. Food
85. Pie/Desserts
86. Ceremony details
87. Officiant
88. Specific songs (first dance, etc.)
89. Photographer
90. Pictures
91. Video
92. Marriage License
93. Bridesmaids dresses
94. Tuxes
95. Shoes
96. Jewelry
97. Hair
98. Makeup
99. Out-of-town details
100. Name Change
101. Honeymoon
101 in 1001