Life Across The Finish Line (Or J2 Does The Fast And the Furious) 4 of 5 J2, Brian/Dom

Mar 01, 2009 15:00

Chapter Four

It was much later that evening, Jared was sitting out in the backyard at the picnic table, cigarette in the hand of one arm that was stretched out in front of him, with his chin propped up in the palm of his other hand, as he stared unseeing at the back fence. Around him the cricket’s chirped in the night singing their song, as the table top began to grow wet from the dew. He should be in bed, but he couldn’t sleep. His mind was too busy with his future and his past and Brian and Dom and Jensen.

Jensen above all else was at the front of his thoughts.

“I was wondering,” Jared heard from behind him spoken so softly he could have pretended he’d only imagined it if he’d wanted. “If it was just me or if maybe you felt something too?” Lifting his head and turning it to the left, Jared saw Jensen sit down on the bench, making a face at the wetness of the wood. Huffing with a smile, Jared turned his attention back to the fence, this time actually seeing the links of metal twined together.

“Yeah,” Jared said softly. “There’s somethin’. Don’t know why you’d wanna take the chance though. Guy like you, you could have anyone you want. Surely there’s better for you than me.”

Jared could see Jensen shrug out of the corner of his eye as he appeared to be studying him. “The way I figure it, I have always done the thing that everyone expected me to. I always dated the nice girl who I took home to the parents, and hid the boys I really wanted to be with in the dark like I was ashamed. I talked all about law and protecting people, went to college, got into the FBI, did everything my daddy and my brothers expected of me, when all I really wanted was car parts and grease so far under my fingernails it never really came off.”

“I’ve been the good boy, I’ve done what is expected, and what did it get me?” Straightening, Jared looked at Jensen frowning in the dark as he listened patiently, while Jensen now stared unseeing, this time at the table top of the picnic table. “The only person who really tried to teach me the real difference between right and wrong got fired. The perfect example of a fine agent they assigned to me was arrested for drugs, prostitution, and bribery. I’m lonely. I haven’t seen my friends in so long I doubt they’d answer if I called.”

Jensen made a sound like a choked sob and Jared’s heart broke a bit for him, this green eyed beauty he’d found himself falling for. “All I want, all I want for once in my miserable life, all I want is something that I want. Something that belongs to me, something I dreamed about, something I longed for, something that is important to me.”

“God Jared I can’t stop thinking about you,” Jensen whispered, his eyes slipping closed and his head falling backward exposing his neck to Jared. “I can’t stop imagining what it would be like having you in me. I can’t stop fantasizing about what it would be like to have you possessing me, owning me.” Jensen’s voice broke as he spoke, choked with emotion. “Loving ME. I just… Jared, please, I…”

Before he could finish though, Jensen found himself turned on the bench, and before he could even register what had happened, Jared’s mouth was on him, huge hands framing his face, fingers curled around the back of his head. He was desperate, he wanted, he needed, and he didn’t even try and hold back the whimpers and moans as his hands curled into the fabric of Jared’s t-shirt. His leg falling so he straddled the bench, while he scooted closer, needing to be as close as possible, wordlessly begging Jared for everything he couldn’t ask for.

Next thing he knew, Jared was drawing him into his lap, wrapping his legs around his waist and standing. Jensen though was lost in a haze of kissing and feeling and needing more, always more wishing he could just brand himself onto Jared’s skin so he could never be removed. Before he knew it, his head was hitting a bed, and his hips arched, legs tightening as Jared tried to pull away, not wanting to lose the contact he’d just managed to get.

“Ssh, I just gotta go get something,” Jared whispered in his ear, before easing back out of reach, leaving Jensen quivering, wound up with want and petrified he wouldn’t come back, that it would just turn into some kind of joke. But then, he was back, clothes were shed and Jared’s mouth was this time working its way across and down Jensen’s body as Jen’s hands twisted sheets and his feet moved restlessly on the bed.

“Please, please, please, please, please,” Jensen chanted, one hand losing its grip on the fabric, twining itself in Jared’s long brown locks, and then Jared’s mouth was back on his kissing, sucking, tasting. Jensen just let himself go sinking into the moment, holding each second close so he’d never forget this first time. As they kissed Jensen’s hips rocked, rubbing them together, until Jared growled, deep and low in his ear, the deep baritone sound sending shivers of erotic pleasure through his body.

Then for a moment the contact was gone, but before Jensen could do much more than whine, Jared’s fingers were pressing urgently at him making his legs spread and loosen, as he relaxed and tightened at the same time wanting, needing, aching, his eyes blown and begging watching Jared’s face as if afraid he would forget it.

When those fingers found the right spot, Jensen didn’t even try to hold back the shout of pleasure, as the begging was renewed, eyes scrunched shut tightly, back arched, one hand moving over the sheets as the other gripped so tightly Jensen wasn’t sure he’d be able to let go later.

Just when he thought he wouldn’t be able to take anymore, the fingers were lost, a single cry of Jared’s name was uttered, and Jensen would never admit to the tear he was sure he felt slip from his eye, but would swear was sweat, before he felt Jared’s condom covered cock pressed against his hole not even whispering for permission, just taking as if it already knew it belonged there and then Jensen was filled with the most wonderful fullness he’d ever experienced. Pain and pleasure entwined so tightly they’d never be separated, a gasp escaping from Jensen’s lips as his soul poured out words of worship to the new center of his existence.

Then Jared was moving, hips rocking fast and hard, nothing close to gentle or sweet and everything that Jensen needed, everything Jensen had been hoping for. “Fuck,” Jensen whispered before losing himself again in the new sensations, new pleasures, the fantasy come to life worshiping as any good southern boy would at the altar of his savior and keeper of his eternal soul.

On and on it went, Jared pounding, Jensen shouting, begging, pleading for more and harder and deeper and God and fuck and Jared, please until it came to a halt like the most violent crash Jensen had ever seen sending him headlong into a brick wall as his orgasm took him, so wrapped up in Jared inside of him that he hadn’t even noticed the huge hand wrapped around him tugging him to his own finish line, and if that wasn’t a shame Jensen didn’t know what was because surely a hand job from Jared was something to be remembered. He was sure Jared came too, if not at that second, surely not too much later, but Jensen couldn’t say for sure because not long after he came, he found the darkness overtaking him barely registering one reverent whisper as if Jared was praying to his own God. “Jen.”

Across the hall, Dominic heard Jared’s door open and hoped like hell that the renewed silence meant that the boys were done as he heard the bathroom door open then the water run for a brief moment before first the bathroom door then Jared’s door shut again. Growling quietly, Dom was about to close his eyes hoping he could sleep through his hard on, when he felt a hand on his back. Turning he found himself looking into Brian’s twinkling blue eyes as he grinned at him from his own pillow.

“Kinda gives a guy ideas huh?” Brian asked quietly, his voice rough with sleep or not enough in this case. Suddenly Dom found that he wasn’t so tired and proceeded to show Jared they weren’t the only ones that could make a little noise.

~~~~~@-->--->------- --------<----<--@~~~~~

When Jensen woke up the next morning, the first thing he discovered before he even opened his eyes was that he couldn’t move. The second was that his ass hurt, and the third was that he didn’t really give a damn about either. He was warm, his body hummed with a sense of peace he hadn’t felt for awhile, and the only thing he wanted was to bury himself further into this human blanket and stay there indefinitely. When lips brushed his cheek, Jensen hummed happily and turned his head and found himself staring into Jared’s brown eyes that were watching him with such adoration that Jensen’s toes almost curled.

“Hey,” Jared greeted softly, lips touching Jensen’s forehead this time and if Jensen purred a little, well damnit it was a very manly purr that couldn’t be helped.

“Hey,” Jensen returned wrinkling his nose at Jared’s now grinning face before he found himself pulled into Jared’s arms and immediately relaxed not caring if he was turning into some teenage girl, if this was what it got him. Tucking his face against Jared’s neck, Jensen inhaled deeply slipping his arms around Jared’s waist relaxing further wishing he could just melt into his new lover so they could never be separated. When he felt tiny nips on his shoulder, Jensen sighed happily letting a pleased moan escape before Jared rolled him over to lay on his back, while Jared worked his way down Jensen’s body with kisses and love bites until Jensen was squirming once more, this time mouth open in soundless wonder as Jared took him into his mouth.

There was, in Jensen’s not so humble opinion, nothing better than a blow job in the morning after a wonderful night of sex. “Baby,” he whispered happily, fingers curled into Jared’s hair touching more than forcing, needing the feel of those soft strands to keep him grounded. It didn’t take long for him to find his release after last night’s encounter, but it was enough and Jensen knew he’d be thinking about it all day long.

Several minutes later, after Jensen had shown Jared his own skills, he found himself seated at the kitchen table, coffee mug in between his hands, professing he had the best boyfriend in the world. He had no idea where Brian and Dominic were. He was pretty sure that he should ask, but couldn’t bring himself to care because all he had eyes for was the six foot five inch wonder standing at the kitchen counter making him waffles… from scratch as bacon sizzled on the stove.

“Tell me about your friends,” Jared said out of the blue and it took a couple moments for Jensen to realize that he was talking to him. From the grin on Jared’s face Jensen figured he knew too, the bastard. Taking another drink of his coffee, Jensen thought about the question before sighing and shrugging.

“Not sure what to say really,” Jensen offered chewing on his cheek. “You guys are pretty much all I have at the moment. I’ve never been one to have a ton of friends. Too shy really, I suppose, but it never really mattered much. I mean I always had the three of us and that was good enough until…” Shrugging again Jensen looked down at his coffee feeling Jared’s concerned gaze on him.

“Until what?” Jensen heard Jared ask from much closer than the kitchen counter where he’d been a moment before. He wasn’t then really surprised when he lifted his head and found Jared standing across the table from him.

“Honestly, Jay, I don’t know. One minute they were there, and the next thing I knew I turn around and they’re gone and I realize I haven’t seen ‘em in a million years.” Jensen offered heart heavy and voice thick with an emotion that said more than his words. “I don’t know where they went to, or where I left to run off for, or what the fuck happened, but all of a sudden the three of us weren’t nothin’ but one and two and I couldn’t find the two. Hell I don’t even have time. My boss hates me, my co-workers don’t trust me. My job sucks and makes me sick to my stomach every morning on my drive in because I don’t wanna be there. The family I did it all for isn’t around anyway because I can’t stand their fuckin’ praises for how perfect they think I am. All while I am wondering why they can’t fucking see how goddamned MISERABLE I am!”

“I want my life, and my friends. And goddamnit, Jay,” Jensen choked out finding himself drawn into Jared’s chest, arms wrapped around his waist, fists clenched into the back of Jared’s shirt. “I don’t wanna do this no more,” Jensen whispered into Jared’s body. “After this case I’m quitting. I’m gonna find a garage like Dom’s that will take me and find my friends. Somehow, and beg ‘em to forgive me. I’m gonna fine a place near here you an’ me can make a home so we’ll be near Dom and Brian cause I know they’re your family and I’m gonna worry about nothin’ but makin’ me happy and you happy and fuck my family and everyone else who don’t agree. I fuckin’ can’t do this no more!”

Jensen squeezed his eyes shut tightly clinging to Jared’s body trusting Jared to know what he needed, missing the look Jared shared with a suspiciously dark eyed Dom who was standing in the doorway. Jared had no doubt that there would be no like in the garage like Dom’s that Jensen ended up in.

~~~~~@-->--->------- --------<----<--@~~~~~

Awhile later found the four men sitting around the kitchen table finally eating their breakfast of waffles and bacon, no one mentioning how the bacon was a little extra crisp, or the waffle that had gotten burned to a crisp. They’d been bullshitting about the garage for awhile when Jensen smiled suddenly all lopsided watching Jared and Dom.

“You and Steve would get along like thieves,” Jensen threw out and Jared smiled putting his fork down. “Who’s Steve?” HE asked bouncing, hyper from not just the amount of sugar he’d had in syrup form that morning, but a general happiness he hadn’t felt in awhile.

“Steve Carlson,” Jensen said and frowning pounded Brian on the back when the older man suddenly choked. “He and Christian Kane were my best friends. Steve an' Chris are musicians, but we all messed around with cars when we were in high school. We made all these big plans about growing up to be big country stars with this chain of custom car garages. You know bullshit things kids dream up. Chris now, I imagine you and he would butt heads like stubborn goats for awhile fightin’ over my honor or some damned stupid Shakespearian notion ‘til you realized you both had the same intentions in mind. Then you’d be scary close. I’d probably have to change my name and go into Witness Protection or some stupid shit.”

When Brian choked again Jensen frowned at him pounding him on his back. “Seriously Irish, you don’t have to inhale your food. It ain’t runnin’ away. Jay tries to take your plate just shoot him.” When Brian just smiled weakly Jensen found himself growing confused especially when he saw Jared’s face was bright red and Dom barely holding back his laughter.

“What?” Jensen asked and Dom just let loose his laugh before clapping his hands together. “OK girls, get dressed. I think it’s time to go to the bar.” Dom ordered and Jensen blinked looking at the clock reading eleven o’clock in the morning. “Little early for booze don’t ya think?” Jensen asked but Dom just laughed at him again as the other two left the kitchen leaving him confused wondering what he’d missed.

Read Chapter Five

brian/dom, j2, j2fafau

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