Supposedly there was a guy. He tried to tell everyone to be nice to each other. Love thy neighbor, honor thy father, all that good stuff. Oh, and he had rules, too. Things he didn't want you doing. It gets complicated and he comes to a bad end. That's what happens when you try to tell other people how to live their lives, even if it's for their own good.
But some people -- the Christians -- really liked what he had to say. They wrote down all of his teachings in lots of books and made a religion based off of it. His name was Jesus Christ, see?
Anyway, Christmas is supposed to be a celebration of when he was born. It's not really, because Christmas is in the dead of winter, and Jesus was probably born in the spring or summer, if he ever really existed. But because the Christians wanted to convert more Pagans -- well, that's a story for another time.
Supposedly there was a guy. He tried to tell everyone to be nice to each other. Love thy neighbor, honor thy father, all that good stuff. Oh, and he had rules, too. Things he didn't want you doing. It gets complicated and he comes to a bad end. That's what happens when you try to tell other people how to live their lives, even if it's for their own good.
But some people -- the Christians -- really liked what he had to say. They wrote down all of his teachings in lots of books and made a religion based off of it. His name was Jesus Christ, see?
Anyway, Christmas is supposed to be a celebration of when he was born. It's not really, because Christmas is in the dead of winter, and Jesus was probably born in the spring or summer, if he ever really existed. But because the Christians wanted to convert more Pagans -- well, that's a story for another time.
I know, right? It'd suck!
Not that I think I'd really get presents, either way.
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