Title: An Evening At Maryuku Striptease, August 15th 18:00.
kleine_asterCharacters: Souji, Yosuke, and pretty much the entire gang.
Summary: As Souji and Yosuke get seperated from the rest of the team during a Maryuku Striptease wipeout, they are forced to face a much greater challenge than slicing shadows and defeating evil - spending actual time
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Comments 14
Ever since I started playing Yosuke I've been interested in seeing how other people write him. Fffff I really liked yours. XD Such an ass sometimes, man.
I mean, he's not a full-time ass anyway, but I just really love him when he gets obnoxious. Spying on your Yosuke would be interesting. I bet he's fun to roleplay. So I'm curious, is yours an ass, too? XD
I'm glad you liked it.
I WISH I COULD REALLY GIVE YOU SOME EXAMPLES, BUT SINCE AMAT IS LOCKED, SOBB.. Um. This is his like.. Only log anywhere public, and I never finished cause I'm a dick and lost track of replies, orz.
I can see Yosuke being a good leader actually. I mean, he becomes less of an ass whenever he gets a sense of purpose. Thank you! *reads* You know, I really like the way you write, it's so lifelike and idk, I think it suits him very well.
This was a really impressive fic, it's nice how it actually comes through as true to the origional with the many game references. Also, everyone felt rather IC especially Yosuke (who I find many try to idealize his bad points for yaoi purposes.)
Yeah, I know, and I don't get it either. I'm almost always drawn to a character's more obnoxious side. I think that's what makes them believable, really.
Thank you!
Good job. :3
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