Schedule & Rules

Mar 27, 2013 19:03

Schedule of events:

April 3rd: Author/Artist/Beta Signups Begin
May 15th: Artist and Beta Signups now Close
June 20th: First Check In
July 20th: Second Check In
August 25th: Rough Drafts Due
September 1st: Artist Claim Post
September 15th: Last Check In
October 10th: Final Drafts Due
October 20th: Posting Begins

Rules and Guidelines
What can I write about?
Anything, as long as the main pairing is Kurt/Blaine and the fic word count equals at least 15,000 words minimum. Darren/Chris is also acceptable, but Klaine will obviously be the preferred pairing in this challenge. Be creative!

Can I use a WIP (work in progess) that I've already started?
Yes. However, the WIP must have never been posted anywhere prior to beginning the challenge. Also, the words already written in the WIP do NOT count towards the 15,000 word count requirement, so you must still write at least 15,000 words.

Do I need a beta?
Yes. Your fic must be beta read before the rough and final drafts are accepted. There will be beta sign-ups later in the challenge for authors to choose from.

Can I write more than one story?
Yes. However, both stories must meet the 15,000 minimum word requirement, as well as follow all of the rules.

Can I co-author a story?

Where do I post my work for check-ins, draft submission, final draft submission, etc?
You will submit your work to

Any other rules regarding artist claims, draft submissions, etc. will be addressed at the necessary time. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to leave a comment below, or email the mods at

!schedule, !mod post, !rules

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