Episode 78: Until We Meet Again
here (community locked) for the last episode! D:
It’s over already?!?!
Alright, guys! Last episode!! :D It’s been a delight doing all of this, and it’s kinda sad that it’s over now. TT___TT But, enjoy!!
Summary with screen caps and lots of quotations… )
Comments 23
WOOOOOLLLFFFRRAAAAMMM!!!! He's just soooooooo precious!! I can just envision the poor thing collapsing to his knees and sobbing his little eyes out once Yuuri was gone for good. *sobs as well*
I haven't decided yet whether or not that's a good thing, but.
AS FOR THE SPOILERS THAT ARE WHITED OUT IN YOUR THOUGHTS: Exactly. Exactly. I really have never understand that arguement and you pretty much summed up why. ugugigil some people's children.
SO IN OTHER NEWS. Thank you. To everyone who has participated in making the posts and commenting and everything, and to Lena for making this community in the first place. Jesus, I can't believe we're done. It's been a good ride, everyone. Nice job.
I know; it seems like we just started this time. 78 episodes really do fly by. D:
I'm hoping for good things from season three, but I really don't think they're going to be able to top the way season two ended, no matter what they do.
On the Wolfram crying thing, can I quickly point out that Yuuri has cried just as much in anime as Wolfram (and maybe more)? That's why I cringe and take issue when I read fics with Wolfram crying every other chapter, but I digress...
His crying here was indeed powerful, however -- and I saw nothing wrong with it. I cried too. ("Shut. Up." - Batman)
I also agree about you on the ending. I wonder how they're going to tie up season three. So far, however, I'm enjoying it (and especially Wolfram's further development). That's another thing I agree with: Wolfram experienced the most development throughout this series. Adalbert as well. Other characters experienced changes, but they were mostly small shifts as opposed to complete changes.
All in all, an excellent ride. *crosses fingers that season three's ending is just as good, if not better*
The End.
Okay, maybe not. Still, the last episode is going to be hard to top.
XP It doesn't usually bother me (I usually have more of an issue with Yuuri and Conrad being portrayed out of character than Wolfram, for some reason), but I know what you mean. Wolfram is far less likely than Yuuri to cry, but I think in extreme situations like this, it isn't so unlikely.
*crosses fingers that season three's ending is just as good, if not better*
Ditto. XD
And way to go Murata, ever the cheeky git.
I think I speak for pretty much everyone when I say that I was definitely holding my breath there at the end when he shoved Yuuri into that lake.
A splendid way to end the series indeed. Except not really. XD
I always end up getting teary right when he tells Yuuri to go home, and then I definitely start to cry when I see him doing it. TT___TT And I really think it was necessary for him to do that there, to show just how much he's grown and how much he cares for Yuuri.
Ain't workin'. XD
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