You're very welcome~! <3 ^___^ at first I was trying to make a one-color background but then I thought it would look better putting part of the window, since we sight the lovers through it and so, hehe ^^;
mmm *is checking* my account seems fine so far and I can navigate :OO though I guess by this time the problem is already solved...? ^^UU
Siempre, pero siempre me olvido quien joto habla español aca xD jaja. Te quedo re lindo el banner! me encanta como los haces =P los de las otras chicas tambien son muy bonitos.
Comments 8
Saved mine, thanks so much!
Btw, your photobucket is okay? o__O cuz mine is down "orz
mmm *is checking* my account seems fine so far and I can navigate :OO though I guess by this time the problem is already solved...? ^^UU
lol, también me pasa, ya uno escribe aquí en inglés por default y luego uno, ve verdad que puedo escribirle en español a tal persona XDD
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