[Fic][Round 17] A reminder of a precious memory, PG

Jul 25, 2008 21:04

Author/Artist: acumen210
Characters/Pairings: bearbee/Conrad, Wolfram
Word Count: 824
Rating: PG
Theme/Prompt being used: The Ultimate KKM Challenge

Conrad stared out into the horizon. It was a beautiful sight. The sun was setting in between the twin peaks. A purple glow gently permeated the sky. Random clouds reflected the light right off. It was a hot, sunny day. It was a rare occasion, but he was on a mission by himself.

Maybe, in a day or two, Yozak will join him. Regretfully, Conrad brought his thoughts back to the present. He patted his brown horse. It whinnied in answer.

“I know. I’ll feed you soon.” He said. His gaze headed toward an empty, run-down shack in the middle of nowhere. For now, this will have to do as a temporary residence. He went into the shack to grab a pile of hay. Despite the rugged appearance, the shack was fairly clean and well-stocked. In one corner, there was a pile of dry firewood.

Outside, a single baby bearbee hid behind a barrel of collected rainwater. Fear and curiosity lighted in its eyes. Several days ago, it lost its colony when the colony was unexpectedly attacked by a carnivorous herd of kangaroos. It also lost all sense of direction completely for some reason it could not fathom. As luck would have it, while the baby bearbee was wandering aimlessly, a rabbit tried to make a snack out of it. It barely managed to escape.

“Growl.” The bearbee’s haggard face sadly looked at its stomach. The only thing the bearbee had for the past few days was water from the barrel standing next to a shack. It stumbled upon it by an accident. “Nogitsu…” The baby bearbee squeaked weakly.

When Conrad came back out, he noticed that his horse was acting strange. For some reason, it skirted away from the water barrel. Thinking it strange, Conrad decided to check it out. He would rather not find out later that something dangerous had snuck inside the shack in the middle of the night.

However, what he found surprised him even more. Even from a few feet away, he could recognize a sad-looking face of a creature he knew well. “A bearbee! What’s it doing here?”

The bearbee hid behind the water barrel and refused to come out. Knowing that the bearbee must have been scared out of its wits for some reason, Conrad stopped and squatted down. A moment later, the baby bearbee poked its head out halfway. Conrad looked straight into its eyes. Suddenly, he heard a growling of the stomach. Without words, he finally understood. Quietly, he reached inside his pocket and held out some scraps of food.

The bearbee sniffed the air once, then twice. It licked its lips. Conrad made no move to get closer. The baby bearbee stared into Conrad’s eyes. His gentle eyes seemed to say, “I won’t harm you.”

The bearbee took a step forward although it still clung to the barrel. Conrad considered putting the food down, but decided against it. If he moves suddenly now, the bearbee may get frightened and flee. The bearbee took another step. It was inches away from reaching the food. It was so hungry that it was willing to take the risk of possible danger.

Finally, Conrad felt the poor creature’s hand grabbing the food. As fast as it was able, the bearbee contentedly ate his fill. A small smile formed on his face. When the bearbee finished eating, he stood up. His horse whinnied once more as it sadly stared at the hay just out of his reach.

Conrad hurried to his horse and said, “Sorry.” He quickly put the hay in the food crate. While the horse happily ate her fill, Conrad heard a buzz near his back. When he turned around, he came face to face with the baby bearbee. It had such contented smile on its face. “Nogitsu, nogitsu, nogitsu!”

“You want to thank me for the food?’ Conrad asked. The bearbee nodded its head. “There’s no need,” said Conrad as he patted its head. For some reason, the smiling bearbee reminded him of Wolfram when he was young.

“Your sense of direction must be messed up because of the strong magnetic field surrounding this area. I’ll take you away from it tomorrow so you can find your way back to your colony.” Conrad told him. The bearbee’s eyes sparkled at the mention of colony. It gave him a momentary flashback of when he and Wolfram were both young. On Wolfram’s forth birthday, he gave Wolfram a present he made himself. Of course, he had a little help from his father in carving little figurines of animals, soldiers, castle, horses, etc. It was difficult, but when he saw Wolfram’s eyes sparkle upon the toys, he felt gentle warmth in his heart.

“Nogitsu! Nogitsu!” The bearbee cried. Conrad smiled. That night, he slept with the bearbee sitting atop his laps. Although, Conrad slept in a sitting position with his sword within his reach, he had never slept better.

bearbee, round 017, challenger - acumen210, fanfic:2008, conrad

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