[Fic] [Round 17] Title: Side Effects, Rating: R

Aug 04, 2008 11:08

Author: Isha
Title: Side Effects
Pairing Anissina/Gwendal
Word Count: 100
Rating: R for insinuation
Any Warnings: My perverted brain?
Prompt being used: KKM Ultimate Challenge (Anissina)

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters and am making no money off this, please don’t sue me, thank you.


The door to his office banged open and Anissina entered, eyes sparkling as she smiled at him.

‘Gwendal, one of my experiments has just had the most fascinating side effect.’

Even as he watched, another Anissina walked in.


His stammered question came to a halt when the second Anissina walked up to the first-and licked her neck.

‘I think we shall be…busy…tonight.’ They both gave him identical sultry looks. ‘Would you like to watch?’

He nodded dumbly, and both women laughed and said in unison: ‘And if you’re very, very good…you might even get to take part.’


A/N: I really don’t know how this came about. I’m not really a pervert, honest. *cringes*

gwendal, gwendal/anissina, round 017, fanfic:2008, anissina, challenger - isha_libran

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