[Fic] [Round 17] My So-Called Equine Life

Jul 23, 2008 00:24

Title: My So-Called Equine Life
Author: Apa (apapazukamori)
Characters/Pairings: Murata + Dakaskos
Word Count: 266
Rating: PG
Any Warnings: Language
Theme/Prompt being used: The Ultimate KKM Challenge

Notes: Set after episode 92, but no real important spoilers.

"Yo, Dakaskos," Murata called gaily and waved. "I see you and Ao are back to normal."

The perpetually twitchy member of the guard retinue simultaneously blanched and straightened into a formal salute. "Y, yes, Your Highness!" he managed, voice cracking along with his back.

Murata rubbed the back of his neck and just smiled. "Anissina mentioned to me the other day how much she'd like to speak to you about what it was like living as a horse."

Even paler, Dakaskos looked ready to faint. "R, really?" Another nearly ear-piercing feat of vocal acrobatics. "I, I'm afraid I haven't seen her lately."

Normally not given to cursing, even in his own head, even Murata had to think a resounding no shit at that. "Indeed," was all he said, straight-faced as a statue. "Incidentally," he said lightly, walking up to stand beside the soldier. "What is it like, being a horse?"


"As the Sage, I have to say I am also curious."

Dakaskos began to sweat; big beads rolled down off his head. "Y, Your Highness?"

"And actually..." Murata clasped his hands behind his back, glancing up at the ceiling in a time-tested show of innocence that neither of them believed; though if he betrayed nothing, Dakaskos couldn't -- wouldn't -- exactly make comment on it. "If you were to tell me enough about it... I might be able to speak to Anissina on your behalf." A light of hope shone in the man's eyes, which cued the winning, normal-Japanese-schoolboy smile. "Sound good?"

"W, well... I found I really liked the taste of hay..."

"Do tell."

murata, challenger - apapazukamori, dorcas, round 017, fanfic:2008

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