[Fic][Round 29] Enough, Rating: PG

Jan 31, 2009 21:19

Author: Isha
Title: Enough
Characters: Wolfram, Alford
Word Count: 707
Rating: PG
Prompt being used: Wolfram x Anyone
Timeline: Very, very post series.

Disclaimer: I own none of these very entertaining characters, please don’t sue me. Thank you.

A/N: For poisonangel7, who suggested the 'Anyone' in this fic. It was difficult! :P


Everyone had expected a dramatic scene and much shouting and screaming, but in the end, his relationship with Yuuri came to a quiet end behind closed doors.

Greta was all grown up and ruling her own kingdom, so really, there was no need for him to stay on at Covenant Castle.

He may have been adult enough to let Yuuri go, but he could not bear to stay once the deed was done.

And so he was on his way home to Bielefeld, where his uncle waited to ‘take his mind off that no-good excuse for a Maou’.

A sudden jerk, and the carriage came to a halt, and he had just drawn the curtain aside when a horse thundered up to him. He was out of the carriage and already calling on his maryokou when the rider unmasked himself, and he saw Alford Markina looking worriedly down at him.

‘Lord von Bielefeld, is the Maou with you?’

The question pierced him, and he turned his face away with a sound of annoyance. ‘No, he is not.’

‘Well then, what about Lord Weller?’

That name was even more unwelcome than the last, and he turned back to the man before him with a scowl. ‘I am alone. Now, what do you want?’

‘The village down there needs help, and I cannot do it alone,’ Alford replied, his face having fallen at his news. ‘I was hoping to have more hands, but-’

‘Am I not enough?’ he asked harshly, stepping forward. ‘I have two men with me, we will all help.’

And they did; staunching fires and stopping fights, eventually routing the bandits who sought to take over the little hamlet. He was nearly swaying on his feet by the time the outlaws were rounded up, having used his maryokou nearly to its limit, and it was only Alford’s steady hand on his shoulder that kept him upright until he collapsed into a bed provided by a grateful family.

When he blinked his eyes open again, all was quiet and still around him. His men lay sleeping on the floor, and so he slipped quietly out of the door and into the early morning. It was nice to look out at the sleeping village and know that he had helped preserve this peace. He wondered, was this how Yuuri felt whenever-

‘Lord von Bielefeld.’

He turned at the voice, managing a nod at the other man. Alford came to stand beside him, and a long moment passed between them in silence before the human said: ‘I’ve been hearing some rumors about the Maou.’

He stiffened, and surely that should have been enough of a signal, but no, the human was going on as if nothing had happened-

‘Is it true?’

He acted without thinking, one moment he was wrestling with his anger and the next he was clutching the man’s shoulder as he whirled him around to face him.

‘Yes, damn your curiosity, it’s true,’ he hissed. ‘The Maou has broken his engagement with me because he is love with-’


He fell back at the look on Alford’s face, the pain in his eyes was too raw for him to ignore, even in his own current state. The other man turned away from him, breathing hard, and his head whirled as he struggled to understand.

Surely the man wasn’t in love with Yuuri? There had never been any hint of it, Alford had always seemed much more enamoured of-

‘It’s…Conrart,’ he said wonderingly, watching as the other man flinched. ‘You’re in love with Conrart.’

Alford did not answer, but then, he did not expect him to admit it. A melancholy silence fell between them again, and he had just turned to return to his room when Alford spoke again.

‘Is he…happy?’

The low voice was nearly swallowed up by the chirping of the birds that had started as the village stirred awake around them, but he heard him.

‘Yes,’ he answered, because it was the truth, no matter how much he wished it otherwise. Yuuri was happy with Conrart, more happy than he could have been with him.


He nodded as he turned and walked back to his room, wishing that someday, that would be enough.


A/N: Thanks for reading, all comment and concrit is very welcome. =)

round 029, wolfram, fanfic:2009, alford, challenger - isha_libran

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