[Fic] [Round 17] Title: True Colours, Rating: G

Aug 27, 2008 19:27

Author: Isha
Title: True Colours
Characters: Anissina, Stoffel
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Prompt being used: KKM Ultimate Challenge (Anissina)


She had never thought of him as a real threat to their kingdom, Stoffel had always seemed too much of a clown to be taken seriously. He was crude in his methods and could never be called intelligent; that he had gotten this far could be credited solely to his habit of delegating everything to Raven.

But then Stoffel began exerting his power over their Maou, bending her to his will, which was indeed dangerous.

And it was only once the ‘Half-Breed army’ had left for Lutenberg-and death-that she realised just how badly they all had underestimated Stoffel.


A/N: Thanks for reading, all comment and concrit is welcome. =)

stoffel, round 017, fanfic:2008, anissina, challenger - isha_libran

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