[Fic] [Round 17] Title: The Rival, Rating: G

Aug 14, 2008 17:41

(This is actually woodburner updating for crystalwrenn, whose access to the 'net is limited atm - she says she appologizes for disappearing for a while! And *I* apologize if I've screwed up the formatting in any way.)

Author/Artist: crystalwrenn
Characters/Pairings: Günter x Julia
Word Count: 568
Rating: G
Any Warnings: None
Theme/Prompt being used: KKM ultimate challenge

Günter sometimes thought that he was the only one in the world not in love with Susanna Julia.

He poured the tea and sat back, a pleasant expression on his face even though she couldn’t see it. He didn’t actually dislike the woman; in truth he quite respected her. He just didn’t see what everyone else went into raptures about.

“Lord von Christ,” she said, “Thank you for coming to see me.”

He smiled politely. “Not at all,” he said. “I was very pleased to receive your invitation.”

Julia inclined her head and smiled that sweet, slightly vacant smile of hers. Günter sipped his tea and waited.

“I wanted to talk to you about Gisela.”

Obviously. Günter held himself very still, knowing that the least movement would catch her attention. “I figured as much.” He set the cup back in its saucer. “I’m concerned for her,” he admitted, “She doesn’t seem to be doing as well as I’d hoped. Perhaps some extra tutoring-“

“Lord von Christ,” Julia cut across with a steely note in her voice, “When you sent her to be my apprentice, you agreed that I would be the one who guides her education. Whilst you are a fine teacher-” he tried to interject but she ignored him entirely, “-You are not a healer, and what’s more, you are her father. Your emotions cloud your judgement.”

Scowling ferociously, he put the cup and saucer back on the table with a rattle of fine china. “I’m not certain what it is you’re trying to say.”

“Gisela does not need extra tutoring. What she does need is for you to stop pressuring her and lower your expectations to a reasonable level.”

“I beg your pardon,” he said coldly, “But I do not pressure my daughter.”

“I beg your pardon, but you do.”

There was a long silence, in which Günter discovered that trying to stare down a blind woman only results in watering eyes.

“Lady Julia, I resent your implication that my daughter lacks talent.”

“I never said she lacked talent,” Julia replied serenely, “She has that, and marvellous compassion besides. What she lacks is the brilliance you expect to find in her. Gisela will be a fine and wise healer. But that wisdom will come from hard work over many years. She will not have the stamina or the strength to become this fine and wise healer if she burns herself out trying to reach expectations that are unrealistic. Do you understand me?”

“Yes,” he said through his teeth, and stood up. “Is that all?”

“That is all,” she replied, also standing. “Please remember that she is not your blood. You cannot expect her to have your brilliance.”

He nodded curtly at her, not caring that she could not see it. He stalked over to the door and opened it. Gisela had been waiting patiently on a seat in the hall and she rose to greet him, that beautiful smile on her face. Günter looked at her, at the newly risen curves of breasts and hips, at the way her eyes slid past his and filled with an adoration and hero worship that, up until now, had only ever been directed at him. Günter von Christ could not shake the feeling that she was growing up, and that he was losing her.

challenger - crystalwrenn, julia, round 017, fanfic:2008, gisela, gunter

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