[ART] [Round 17] - Conrart x Alford

Aug 13, 2008 22:02

Artist: jojo_kun
Characters/Pairings: Conrart and Alford
Rating: 'Hard' R
Any Warnings: Yaoi, sexual situation, partial nudity (no bits shown, but you know what they're doing). NOT WORK SAFE.
Theme/Prompt being used: Ultimate KKM Challenge

"Into the Woods" - Conrart and Alford

It's the 'duel' that Alford always wanted to have with Conrart. Little did he know that he would end up being the sheathe! ;)

For poisonangel7, who wanted some smexy Conrart/Alford. I have this marked as "Adult Concepts" because it doesn't show anything really explicit. What do you think? Should I make it 'Explicit Adult Content' instead? I'm so desensitized!

challenger - jojo_kun, conrad/alford, round 017, conrad, alford, fanart:2008

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