[ART] [Round 17] - Conrart x Gisela

Aug 07, 2008 19:02

Artist: jojo_kun
Characters/Pairings: Conrart and Gisela
Rating: Soft R
Any Warnings: Partial female nudity, sexual situation, NOT WORK SAFE
Theme/Prompt being used: Ultimate KKM Challenge

"Sexual Healing" - Gisela and Conrart

Helloooo Nurse! Ohhhhh the bad jokes I can make with this one! HOLD ME BACK!!

Okay, okay. Just one. They're in Gisela's Medical tent... but you can bet that Conrart's got a tent of his own! XD *bricked*

challenger - jojo_kun, conrad/gisela, round 017, gisela, conrad, fanart:2008

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