[Fic] [Round 17] Title: Deal, Rating: G

Aug 13, 2008 10:34

Author: Isha
Title: Deal
Characters: Anissina, Wolfram
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Prompt being used: KKM Ultimate Challenge (Anissina)

Disclaimer: I own none of these very entertaining characters and am making no money off this, please don’t sue me, thank you.


‘Well?’ Wolfram said impatiently. ‘This is the only time I’m making this offer, Anissina. Leave me out of all your experiments, and in return I’ll fund your inventions for life.’ He paused, but she remained silent. ‘You know if you try to force me to be a test subject I’ll just end up burning down your inventions. This is your best option.’

After some thought, she nodded. Wolfram had powerful maryokou, but he was right, she wouldn’t be getting a better bargain.

Besides, she always had Gwendal. And Gunter.

‘Deal,’ she said, shaking Wolfram’s hand and ignoring his relieved smile.


A/N: Because there has to be a reason why Wolfram is never pressed into Anissina’s service, and I decided that this was it.

Thanks for reading, all comment and concrit is very welcome. =)

round 017, fanfic:2008, wolfram, anissina, challenger - isha_libran

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