Round 46 Themes

Sep 27, 2009 20:16

Welcome to round 46 of kkm_challenge! Please read through our user information if you haven't already and then this post to get started and then begin submitting!

The Themes
Choose one-although you may combine if you want to make it extra challenging.

1) Authors/Artists: Word Prompt: Curry, Sick, Tapestries - Use one or more of these words or themes in a submission.

2) Authors/Artists: Fall/Autumn - Create a submission around the season: fall/autumn

3) Authors: Dialogue - At least 75% of your fic should be comprised of a characters speaking. The real goal is all of it though!

4) Artists: Portrait - Draw any character as though they are a framed picture on the wall. You may use any style (including Wolfram's). Feel free to add a frame or even an environment for it.

The Deadline
Sunday, October 18, 2009 at 8pm CST

The Drill
- Follow all of the rules.

- There is no limitation on the number of items you may submit this round, but you must submit each piece separately.

- You may submit items from any or all of the themes. You may even combine the themes where appropriate.

- Comment on this post if you have any questions on this particular round. General questions can be submitted here.

- Be creative and have fun! ♥

round 046, themes

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