Two posts in the same day? Must be a Monday.

Oct 11, 2010 15:19

So when I got into work this AM, I was verbally reprimanded by a couple of my co-workers (okay, my boss and a co-worker) for talking on my cell without using a hands-free device as I pulled into our parking lot...I was like seriously, people?  All because I'm pregnant - it was my first taste of this devaluing of my personal safety over the lil guy who has yet to show his face -  no one cared before if I talked on the phone in my car.  Now, don't get me wrong - I agree that some people get carried away with the things they think they can do while driving (applying makeup, reading the paper, etc), but I think having a conversation is not one of them.  The thing that really irritated me is that I said I would try to stop (although the car is the nicest quietest place I can get a lot of personal business done) and they wouldn't accept "try" - they were insistent that I stop and stop now.  Now, in my own defense against these two - who I'm sure were well-meaning in their concern - said co-worker has recently quit smoking - but in years prior, when I would remind her of the Great Smokeout days, told me she would quit when she was good and ready...and I've driven with my boss, and she's a distracted driver without even talking on the glass houses, people - glass houses.

Anywho, that's right - 5 weeks til my due date - yikes.  Hubby and I stood in the nursery last night, which we just established as a nursery yesterday, and I said - "can you believe that there will be a small person living in here NEXT MONTH?"  And he's like - "yeah, one that we own." Now I don't think he meant 'own' in a bad, pre-Revolutionary war context - but moreso, in the sense that this one's staying with us and doesn't go home with other parents when they leave.  Parenthood, here we come - ready or NOT.

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