Title: 2am
Genre: RPS
Pairing: Jensen/Jared (J2)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 460
Summary: It's 2am and Jensen is spending another night in some hotel room. He's tired and alone, and he hasn't heard from Jared in days...(Sorry, I suck at summaries)
Note: This was written after I scoured the net for prompts, I am in desperate need of some inspiration. So anyway, one of the prompts I found on a random site through google was: 2am
Another state, another hotel room, another night without him. Time passed so slowly without him. He sat down on the edge of the bed, it was too big for him by himself, he sighed. The lights and sounds of the city flooded in through the open window; brightness and laughter. Jensen laid back on the bed, his feet still on the floor. Closing his eyes he saw the face; the face that he loved, cherish and adored. Light-filled puppy dog eyes, soft full lips and a heart melting smile. His.
Opening his eye, staring at the ceiling, he felt the need for sleep. It had been a long day and he had to leave early in the morning. Why they booked the 8:20am flight was beyond him. He’d hardly had any sleep for the past few days as it was. Reaching into the pocket of his jeans he pulled out his cell phone. He flipped it open only to reveal that he had no new messages. Flipping it shut again, he tossed the phone to the other side of the bed.
Kicking off his boots and struggling out of his jeans, Jensen thought about where he was heading tomorrow. LA, Sydney, Chicago, he didn’t know where came next. If he was honest he didn’t really care. Peeling off his shirt and then his t-shirt, he pulled back the duvet. The scatter cushions fell to the floor. He laid down in the bed, stretching out. It really was too big.
He laid still, any time he moved he found another cold spot in the bed. He hated the cold, he liked warmth. He missed it. He missed the strong arms that would wrap him up and he missed the firm chest he would lie against. But most of all he missed the sound of the heart beat that would sent him into the realms of hopes and dreams. The only thing that resembled the sound of the hypnotic beating of his lover’s heart was the thumping of music from somewhere in the street below.
A faint buzzing interrupted his thoughts, he flung back the duvet to reveal his cell phone, flashing on and off. He reached over, capturing it in his hand and flipped it open for the second time in the past half hour. He blinked, not believing the caller could be whose name appeared on the screen.
“Jay?” his voice answered questioningly.
“I miss you”
Jensen smiled, just to hear that voice.
“I miss you too”
“Come home Jen, the bed’s too big without you”
Jensen smiled even more: “I was just thinking the same thing”
“I love you” Was all the reply he received, but it was enough.
“I love you too, Jay”