Title: The Real Face World
ryograndePairing: Akame?
Rating: PG
Genre/Warnings: crack, snark, cameos, stupidity, and lots and lots of gay
Notes: I was intrigued by the concept of 'what if' AU, which led to "what if KAT-TUN were forced to live together?" I don't think that's exactly how it's supposed to work, and I fear that this is more gen than pairing
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Comments 64
Thank you for the fic~!
If it's a case of me being delusional here, please ignore me, XD.
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And of course Kame watching and being worried about Jin is priceless.
I would also buy 10 copies of Jin singing Kizuna.
And the Akame!*-* Trying to get to work out as they used to, both of them reminiscing details of their past together.
I also loved the way you pictured Jin.♥ And all the cameos by other JE and actors!♥
Basically, I loved it to bits!:D
"Hmm?" the messenger replies, smile still set.
"Looking forward to it," Jin says in Japanese. "I'll do my best."
I could just picture Jin saying that, muttering it under his breath XD
"I tried to look on the bright side," he tells Koki later. "It didn't work."
A chore wheel, omg, I can so picture Kame making one. And how everyone was pleased when Junno took them to a spa. And Koki took them to a petting zoo :D
"Be safe," is all that comes out, and this time it's as natural as if he's been saying it for years.
It's a start.
The ending was just perfect and just this whole fic fills you up with a warm, fuzzy feeling. Through reading this fic, I once again felt like I understood KAT-TUN. Everything they did, it was so them <3
this line makes me so happy, thank you! i'm really glad that this came off as something that could really happen. :D
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