Fic for soucieux

Apr 11, 2012 22:35

Title: Sunday Mornings
Pairing: Kame x Jin
Word count: 2.800
Rating: R
Warnings: slice of life , some swearing, guy talk, sexual situations, fluff
- For soucieux. You asked for either present or future Akame but that was before both present and future became, let's say, a little (extra) complicated. That said, I'll inform that I had Jin and Kame circa 2008-2009 in mind while writing this one. Hopefully that plays into your preferences. Hope you enjoy :)
"Sunday morning rain is falling / Steal some covers share some skin
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable / You twist to fit the mold that I am in"


"I didn't know that you still kept these around."

The low voice coming from the bedroom is a little surprising. Kame rubs the towel over his wet hair one last time before wrapping it around his hips and leans against the threshold, frowning amusedly at the image that greets him; it's not the familiar sight of Jin sleeping soundly under the sheets.

"That's because you were not supposed to know," he answers, padding slowly to the bed. Jin is sitting and leaning against the headboard and there are pictures scattered on top of the sheets all around him. Kame picks one up and inspects it; on the glossy paper, Jin is lying on his stomach and there's a weak stream of sun coming through the window, bathing his broad back in a perfect replica of the kind of scene Kame was expecting to catch this morning right after showering. "That's why they were hidden."

Jin smirks - a much softer, morning colored version of his usual smirk - and doesn't bother trying to deny that he was snooping around. Kame doesn't bother trying to figure out what Jin was doing looking under his bed of all places. It doesn't matter either way.

"So what do you do with those?" Jin asks, turning one of the photos upside down, "do you stare at pictures of me sleeping, blissfully unaware of your many perverted tendencies and jerk off?" he smiles up at Kame, "cause that would be kind of hot," he adds, looking back at the picture in his hand.

"Hardly." Kame lies, "I just gaze at them and wonder about how good you look when you are unconscious and can't talk."

"I'm not so sure of that," Jin drawls. He taps his chin thoughtfully with the tip of a finger and Kame thinks that the combined effect of the gesture with the morning shadow barely visible over Jin's top lip makes him look equal parts hot and ridiculous.

"Should I believe the words of someone with," Jin picks up a picture and turns it towards Kame with a triumphant twist of his wrist, "a blatant foot fetish?"

That makes Kame laugh and finally move to sit on the bed by Jin's side. He promptly retrieves the picture from Jin's fingers and smiles at the pair of feet peeking out from under the sheets on the paper, its long toes stretching until they are almost out of the mattress. On the photo he picks up next he can see dark hair fanning over creamy pillows, strands framing the delicate shell of an ear and shadowing the hint of a beauty mark in the corner of one closed eye.

"Now," Jin whispers after a moment, "you look like you are ready to jerk off." He kisses the side of Kame's neck, lips lingering lovingly over the skin before he slides from his position against the headboard and half lies back on the bed, guiding Kame's body to mimic the position. "Do you always look this good when you are looking at my pictures?"

"How would I know," Kame mumbles distractedly, moving his head to the side to give him some better access. They stay in silence for a while, Kame letting Jin nuzzle and kiss the side of his neck while fighting the urge to let his eyes droop by focusing on the picture in his hand.

He is starting to contemplate jerking off for real when Jin's voice cuts through his thoughts. "Where do you keep your camera?"

"Second drawer," Kame replies, looking sideways in time to see Jin stretching to reach the bedside drawer and retrieve the device. He has a vague idea of what is going through Jin's mind, but asks him anyway, a lazy kind of happiness weighting down his words. "What are you going to do with it?"

Jin only smirks in reply, silently maneuvering Kame's body to lie fully on the bed. As soon as Kame is comfortable, Jin moves and sits on top of him, long legs spreading and settling snuggly on the sides of Kame's body. He raises the camera in his hands and points its lenses down.

There's a soft click sound and Kame laughs.

He watches as Jin moves the lenses of the camera slowly down the length of his body, several clicking sounds following its path.

"Who's got the perverted tendencies now?" Kame says in amusement.

Jin doesn't answer; instead, he leans down and presses a kiss to the middle of Kame's chest. Kame feels a flush rise up his neck and Jin takes a breath before kissing him again, mouth opening just enough to let his tongue peek out and deliver a lick.

There's another click and Kame's breath hitches; he looks down at where Jin's head is resting on his chest, his messy hair tickling his skin, and catches the look Jin directs at the camera a second before sliding down a few more centimeters, soft mouth carefully mapping shower fresh skin.


There's another slowly delivered kiss. Jin's lips moves further and he catches one of Kame's nipples in a gentle bite. Kame's fingers thread through his hair and pull his head up.

Click. Click. Click.

Jin - the insufferable tease - keeps his face a few centimeters away and his laughter mixes with panting sounds when Kame reaches up to kiss him; he fails and ends up licking the corner of his mouth instead.

"You," Jin says around a wicked grin, words spilling hot inside Kame's mouth, tongue clicking against Kame's teeth on every word he pronounces, "will definitely jerk off to these."

Kame smiles, wide and probably a little stupid, and the lips hovering over his follow the movement naturally. His fingers on Jin's hair grip tighter and pull his face down that one last centimeter, meeting no resistance.

"Keep going," Kame whispers, catching Jin's lower lip in between his teeth.

There's a contented hum and Kame listens to the sounds of the camera clicking away as Jin kisses him deeper, snakes one hand around his neck and pulls him even closer against him.


The room he's in feels weirdly chilly and too bright and Kame isn't quite awake yet when his fingers travel over the bed in search of a blanket he can use to cover his body and head, use to shield his eyes from the annoying light.

It's only when his hand bumps into an obstacle that feels more like leather than cotton that he realizes he's probably not on a bed; he smoothes that same hand over the surface under his head and tries to bury his face in it, only to confirm that suspicion. As expected, there's a bump, but it's definitely not a pillow.

Kame squirms around a little and feels warmth on his back. He reaches with his left hand and when his fingers bump into flesh, he grips it, bringing the limb over his shoulder to settle it comfortably draped around his chest. If there's no blanket, this will have to do.

He feels a long sigh stirring the hairs on the back of his neck and the cold tip of a nose nuzzling lazily against his skin. "Jin," he slurs, "where are we".

"Couch," Jin whispers roughly after a few seconds, and Kame feels the arm over his chest tightening around him, warm fingers slipping inside his open shirt and pulling him closer.

"Again?" Kame asks around a yawn.


Jin slowly turns Kame's body around so that Kame's head rests on his shoulder. "You're fucking heavy."

"Shut up," Kame growls.

"You're even heavier when you're drunk," Jin smirks, completely ignoring the noises Kame is making against his chest now. "I don't know what is it that you do, but your ass weights twice as much whenever I have to be the one to drag it to bed after you've drunk your…"

"God," Kame sighs exasperatedly, "why are you so impossible first thing in the morning?" he says, even as his arms go around Jin and he snuggles closer into the body in front of his.

"Gotta work with you before that massive hangover hits," Jin replies, dropping a lazy kiss to the top of Kame's head.

Kame hums in annoyed agreement as Jin's lips travel south, kissing his forehead, his eyelids, his cheeks and his nose before stopping, hovering over his mouth. He smirks.

Kame just shakes his head at him. "Impossible," he complains, but closes the gap between them anyway, pulling Jin's head and kissing him, chastely at first until his tongue snakes its way inside Jin's mouth, making him moan into the kiss.

"You taste awful," Kame mocks when they break apart, eyes closed while he kisses and licks the sides of Jin's lips. It's true, but he doesn't really care when Jin still feels deliciously warm and solid and perfect under his fingers and mouth.

Jin answers by turning them around and shoving Kame against the cushions none too gently before kissing him thoroughly, tongue searching and finding Kame's every sensitive spot; he's shivering a little and has his mouth open in a gasp when Jin lets him breath again.

"You try to drink, smoke and give head on the same night and we will see how you taste the next day," Jin laughs against his lips.

"Liar. You didn't blow me," Kame laughs back. "I would have felt it."

"Well, I tried." Jin says, one hand slipping between their bodies, pulling weakly at one of the sides of Kame's open jeans. "You didn't cooperate."

"I'm sorry."

"That's okay."

Kame is about to go back to kissing Jin silly as means of apology and tell him that as soon as they have their first cup of coffee he will be up and more than ready to give that blowjob a second try.

That's when the pain hits. He frowns and rubs the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "Fuck."

Jin quickly moves up on his elbows and when he speaks again, his tone is soft and very low. "Is it here?"

"Yeah," Kame nods, burying his head against Jin's chest again in an attempt to hide his eyes from the light.



"I'll be right back," Jin says, dropping another quick kiss to the top of Kame's head and padding his way silently to the kitchen.

Kame listens to the faint sounds of a kettle being filled and mugs being taken out of cupboards in the other room and smiles. As he curls in himself and pulls the two sides of his open shirt together to try and keep himself warm, he also makes a mental note; leave a blanket over the headrest of Jin's couch at all times.


The slight tickling in his nose stirs him, making Jin blink a couple of times.

As his surroundings gradually come into focus, he's catches sight of a splash of brown over a blur of white, something that, a few blinks later, he recognizes as hair falling over his pillow and on his face.

It's not his own hair though, of that Jin is certain. Despite his admittedly slower thinking process when barely awake and dim lights of the morning, he can still tell that the color is lighter than his and the strands fell finer, softer where they touch his cheek.

He moves his face a little closer to the hair, inhales deeply and closes his eyes as the sharp clean and slightly fruity smell assaults his senses. Jin smiles to himself just then, knowing that if he stretches a hand it will bump into Kame's naked back.

So he does that.

He opens his eyes again as his fingers come in contact with skin, marveling at how even his white complexion manages to look slightly darker in comparison to Kame's very pale one. Jin runs his palm slowly from Kame's nape to the small of his back and up again when it reaches the sheets laying across the bed and covering them from their waists down.

Jin repeats the motion a couple of times, enjoying the contact and the way he can feel the steady rise and fall of Kame's breathing under his fingers.

He smirks and changes his hand's path to smooth over the curve of a shoulder and down the arm resting sideways to its body when he hears a small, muffled groan. Scooting closer, Jin repeats the action and waits, knowing instinctively by the way his breath changes that Kame is about to wake up.

Kame groans and rubs his face against the pillows, the touches on his skin finally registering fully on his mind. "Jin?" he whispers, eyes still shut, shifting closer to the warmth he can feel at his back.

"Hmmm?" Jin drawls, watching the fine hairs on Kame's forearm stand on end as his hand moves up the limb again, going past the shoulder this time.

Kame rolls his head further into the pillow, baring more of his neck. "What," he starts, taking a deep breath between words when Jin gently tucks some strands of hair behind his ear, "are you doing?"

Jin answers by slipping his arm under Kame's, placing it over his chest and bringing him closer against his body. "What does it feel like I'm doing?" he asks, rocking a little, his cock stirring and bumping against the back of Kame's thighs under the sheets.

Kame hums thoughtfully, a slow rumble that starts low in his throat and travels down the length of his body, and Jin's toes almost curl upon feeling it reverberate against his chest. "Feels like you are trying to take advantage of me."

"Maybe I am" Jin says, nuzzling the soft spot just behind Kame's ear, smiling upon realizing that Kame still has his eyes closed. "What are you going to do about it?"

Kame's hand moves up and cradles Jin's face closer to his. "I will tell you to hurry up," he whispers, his tone a rough, throaty one that Jin knows well.

Silently, Jin positions one of his arms over the pillow and under Kame's neck, the other one circling Kame's waist, pulling him closer. Jin then starts rocking again, harder this second time, and when he speaks, his voice comes out rough. "Like this?"

"I. You. It's -" Kame's eyebrows draw closer over closed eyes, his body moving slowly but insistently back and forth, following Jin's lead, bumping against him, the skin on his back turning clammy.

He grips the sheets and bends slightly, making Jin's cock nestle against him and rub against the small of his back. "Yes," Kame moans, "just like that."

Jin swallows hard and keeps moving, the friction and the heat and the way Kame looks, eyes still beautifully, perfectly closed making him crazy with desire. "God", he breaths, "you. You are -"

"Shhhh," Kame hushes, licking his lips, the fingers buried in Jin's hair gripping the strands tighter. "Just…just…"

Jin lifts his head then, watches the way Kame's hips snap forward under the sheets, humping air. He tries to grind harder still, bent on making the two of them come right that second; he slides a hand to Kame's stomach to try and bring his body back with more force against his and feels the wet tip of Kame's cock slide against the back of his fingers. Jin moves and grips it quickly, pumping it in rhythm with his thrusts.

Kame moans, bucks, closes his free hand tight around Jin's on his cock and comes while whispering Jin's name. Jin watches it all; fascinated by the sight of Kame's orgasm despite the many times he has had the chance to witness it. His own orgasm comes almost as a surprise when it hits him, pleasure rippling through his body from head to toe, leaving him completely dizzy and relaxed and feeling oh-so-fucking-good.

He smells Kame's hair fondly, enjoying how the now damp strands tickle his face and the way Kame sighs contentedly when Jin licks the back of his neck, tasting salt.

Jin props his head over his hand and looks down, rolling Kame around on his back and watching for the moment when he will finally open his eyes for the first time that morning. "Hey."

"Hey," Kame whispers, lids opening to reveal softly smiling brown eyes, and for a moment Jin is sure he is somehow, even after all these years, falling in love all over again. "Good morning."

"Isn't it?" Jin laughs, head dropping back on top of the pillows and over Kame's hair. He inhales deep into the strands again, much like the way he had done when he had just woken up. "Let's make it an even better one" he suggests, snuggling closer.

Kame just smiles and snuggles back. "Whatever you want."


+kame/jin, k_x 2012, *r

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