Title: Wrong Number
Pairing: Kaisoo/Baekyeol/Hunhan
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff/Romance
Summary: Wrong numbered phones rang the right hearts.
A/N: Wow, my first time posting something in lj... Uuu exciting.
Kyungsoo punched some numbers to his phone from a paper. His trembling hands was fumbling with his touch screen with a frown on his face. He cursed at his phone for losing all of his contacts and that he had to collect everyone’s numbers all over again.
Get a smart phone they said, it’s going to be awesome they said.
Doe eyed boy’s rage level was already up high... His phone was making it worse. Without checking the number, he dialed his phone and crumbled at his bed.
After a painful wait and a sleepy “hhm?” from the other line, petite boy unleashed the angry puppy inside of him.
“Baekhyun-hyung, can you believe it? Jonghyun said- Jonghyun- That bastard said that I’m a prude!”
“And he just walked off! Just because I refused to sleep with him on second date! That doesn’t make me a prude right? Oh god, I think I’m a prude.”
“Hyung, what am I going to do? Should I’ve just slept with him? But I don’t want such a relationship and- hyung why aren’t you answering me?”
“Umm...Wrong number?”
Now, that was awkward. And a bit embarrassing. Hell, a lot of embarrassing. Big eyed boy jolted from his bed and panickly got up. Should he just shut the phone and hide under covers or throw the phone away from the window and-
“Hey, say what, I don’t know that Jongnim guy or anything but he seems like an asshole. I mean-“ a loud yawn cut the stranger’s word in the middle. “yeah sure, having sex, nice and stuff but some people likes to taking it slow and if he liked you that much he would have waited for you. Second date, I mean, yeah, don’t feel like a prude.”
Kyungsoo sat on his bed again and got a hold of his phone more securily. Stranger’s voice was latched with sleep -in the middle of the day?- and he didn’t sound annoyed at all. His deep voice sounded a bit amused actually. Big eyed boy cleared his throat and scretched his blushing cheek. Ah, talking about something like this with a complete stranger...
“I-I mean- Umm-“
“Look, let’s say, you waited for 2 years or something then you can feel like a prude or whatever but really, now he is just an asshole.”
That guy knew how to make someone feel good. Kyungsoo decided he liked that guy. Now, he was going to thank him, shut the phone and die from embarrassment a little inside and actually call Baekhyun. Right, shutting the phone-
“Thank god! I was feeling awful and Baekhyun-hyung already told me that he was an as- assh- I mean a bad person!” stranger’s chuckle to his choice of words wasn’t enough to make him stop talking... Damn his big mouth.
“But nooo! I didn’t listen to him and-“
Why wasn’t Kyungsoo shutting the damn phone already? It was getting ridiculous.
“Also Jonghyun -that’s his name by the way, not Jongnim- anyway he said-“
Doe eyed boy was always the awkward penguin of his friend. But this was beyond awkward. He was sure he just took his usual rambling to whole another level.
What is more weird was, the foreign guy was actually listening to him and giving him encouraging noises.
“In the end- yeah that’s it.”
Kyungsoo finished his talk with a huff. He was feeling better. A lot of better. He even used a curse word along the way-much to stranger’s amusement- and petite boy felt like he lifted something out of his chest.
Stranger’s sleepy voice filled his ears once again. He still didn’t sound annoyed much to doe eyed boy’s surprise.
“I think you should break up with him. Simple. Find someone who deserves you, you know?”
“Right. Thank you sir. I mean, I guess I woke you up and -isn’t this middle of the day?- Do you have troubles with sleeping at night? Have you tried apple tea? It helps a lot. Just drink a cup before going to bed and- Oh and- I’m shutting the phone now. Thank you. Have a nice day.”
After punching the phone shut and crawling panickly under his bed covers, Kyungsoo let out a screech. He couldn’t believe himself, he just talked to a complete stranger and oh god, that person may be a middle aged pervert or some stalker or-
Well, he was feeling better about himself in the end...
Jongin looked blankly at his phone. What the hell just happened? He was napping on his couch in one minute, and the other minute he was giving relationship advices to someone. Someone as in a complete stranger.
Dark skinned boy rubbed the sleep off of his eyes and got up. Well, world was a strange place, he guessed.
So, in the end, apple tea...maybe he should buy some.
As Jongin putted the kettle on for some coffee, his phone gave out a high pitched tone. A high pitch that make you want to claw your ears off and hiss in pain.
Lazily he dragged himself to his phone and answered it with a hum. First thing first, he was going to change his ring tone right after this.
Was that boy calling again or something?
“Oh! Jongin, you’re not going to believe it! Luhan smiled at me! He smiled and I guess there was a bit waving but anyway, Luhan smiled. AT ME! Oh and-“
“Goodbye Sehun.”
With long sigh Jongin dropped his phone to counter and went back to making his coffee. It was too early for dealing with this type of things twice. That phone boy hit he jackpot for his daily wise words so none for Sehun and his obsession. Not for today. Not for a life time hopefully. You know what, he was going to block Sehun’s number entirely.
“Wait- Wait! Did you seriously talk to a random guy for 10 minutes?”
“9 minutes and 17 seconds”
“Oh, okay, sorry, you talked to a complete stranger for 9 minutes and 17 seconds about Jonghyun?”
As Baekhyun got into another laughing fit, Kyungsoo desk-faced with his blushing cheeks. It was the last time he was telling his hyung something. Last. Time.
“What’s going on?”
Oh! Now the trio was done. The only thing lacking was Chanyeol and here he was, pulling cracked up Baekhyun into his lap.
“Chanyeol you got to hear this. Kyungsoo called someone randomly and-“
Doe eyed boy gave a hard hit to desk with his head again. Why was this his life?
Jongin was angry. No, furious. He wanted to punch some walls and scream at playing children outside. It was his birthday in a week and his freaking dance trainers thought it would be nice to put a class in exact that day. Not like he had any free days anyway. But his birthday-!
Okay, that was it. He needed to ring someone and whine or he was seriously going to punch some kid’s faces. Actually that retarded looking one-
Dark skinned boy shaked his head and dropped himself to some bench at park. He scrolled through his contact list in his phone. He couldn’t call Sehun. That little slimy mouse finally had a date with his long time crush Luhan. Which was a huge surprise because usually when you go up to someone randomly at cafeteria and kiss them messily, it didn’t end up with dating and all that lovely things. Also usually the person you randomly kiss won’t just get a grip on you and lay you on table while continue to making out with you.
...They were made for eachother in weird ways.
So, if he called Sehun and disturb his date with Luhan, he didn’t think he would see another sunrise. Both of them would claw his face and make him beg for mercy. Nope, no Sehun and Luhan then.
He could just ring Lay but... It was Lay. Lay. Probably in the middle of the conversation he would just get blank and ask him who he was. Which he did before. Many times. No Lay either.
Jongin was a popular person. Hell, he was almost famous. Dark, handsome, tall, dancer, too amazing to be true and many more... yet his social skills... He didn’t do social... People... Being nice.
Okay, he didn’t have many friends. Now, that was just sad...
Suddenly that retarded looking kid looked good to punch again actually...
When Jongin was about to sigh in defeat and get up to punch something, he saw a glimpse of his recent calls. An unknown number flashed wickedly at him. About a week ago, a kid called him and talked about his troubles so why not do that too?
Tall boy shoke his head once again. He was being ridiculous. Calling a random stranger and whining at him seemed so surreal and that guy didn’t do it on purpose so it would be totally weird, also-
Shit. When did he pressed the number and- fuck.
“I- Umm. Hey?”
An awkward silence.
A long one.
“I mean, Hey, how you doing? Do remember me? You know, the guy you called and talked about Jongnim?”
Another silence and an uncomfortable cough.
“Ah, yes. You mean Jonghyun? I remember and I’m sorry again but-“
Well, since they were already in here he could just get on with it right?
“Let’s do it like this, as a payback I’ll talk and you’ll listen this time because really I need someone to talk right now.”
After a hesitant “Sure” Jongin took a deep breath. There he goes.
“It’s my birthday in week and all I wanted was having a day off, chilling, hanging out with Sehun and Lay. But no! My dance trainers thought it would be nice to put an extra class that day. Don’t get me wrong, Eunhyuk and Donghae are amazing but you know just a day off wouldn’t be so bad. I need a social life and resting too. Hell, I haven’t seen my mother more than 10 minutes in a week because of school and all that training!”
There was humm. Continuing then...
“And also...”
Kyungsoo stared blankly at boiling water. When he decided to prepare some pasta to himself, he didn’t think something like this would came up.
So, stranger was not a middle aged creep but was a dancer. Cool.
And his birthday was in a week. Like himself. Cool.
His friend Sehun was dating a psycho. Nice.
His other friend had some mental issues or something. Poor kid.
Also, there was a punchable kid on the park and... what?
As doe eyed boy hummed another response, he trapped his phone to his ear with his shoulder and drained his pasta. All he was going to do was adding some ham and kimchi and ta-dah. Bon appetit.
Low, frustrated voice let out an another huff and then silence filled the other line. Petite boy grabbed a plate and plopped himself to a chair.
He waited for stranger to continue, poor guy seemed to be in need of talking and Kyungsoo kind of owned him that.
When there was no other complain he gulped down some spaghetti and began,
“Have you thought of talking to them about it?”
“What do you mean by talking?”
“You know, asking for a day-off?”
A silence. Some muttering under breath and finally,
“But they probably won’t let me have a day off anyway!”
Kyungsoo chuckled at the other line’s whining. It was funny to hear someone whining this much in one breath. If this person knew Chanyeol, they would probably be great friends. Whining about things together and pissing Baekhyun off forever!
“You should just talk to them. Ask them about it. If you give a reasonable argument, I don’t see why not. And please sit down, don’t hurt that kid”
“But his face is so- Okay, so, talking. With them. I’ll try. But if that doesn’t work, I’m writing your number to every public toilet!”
Petite boy chuckled again. Other line’s stubborness and whining was getting funnier by every passing second. It was awkward to talk like this but... well, he was an awkward person to begin with it.
“So anyway, I’ll just... Yeah thanks for listening. Goodbye I guess?”
“Yeah, no problem. Bye.”
Kyungsoo putted his phone down casually and twirled some more pasta to his fork. He hoped that dancer will get a day-off.
He totally needed new friends though...
“Do you think I should call him?”
Sehun gave Jongin a look before securing Luhan on his lap more comfortably.
“You don’t even know him.”
Dark skinned boy huffed and gave the couple a disgusted look.
“Shut up. Go back to devouring your boyfriend’s face.”
Blank faced boy was more than happy to comply. As he got closer to Luhan, deer looking boy pushed his face away.
Cute blonde turned to Jongin and got comfortable on Sehun’s lap.
“I think you should. I mean, he was the one who helped you.”
Suddenly Jongin saw Luhan in a new light. He was not just a psycho with a face of an angel. He was a nice person, and a psycho. Yes. Jongin could learn to like Luhan. Yes. Wait no. Ew he had his tongue in Sehun’s mouth. No. He hated everyone in the room.
Dancer jolted from his seat and ran to his room. Along the way the found the number from his recent calls and was about to dialed the number.
Wait- What if that boy was not avaible, or thinks it’s weird to call? Or maybe-
A loud, high pitched voice made him almost throw the phone away. Why didn’t he changed his ring tone was beyond him and- Wasn’t that, that boy’s number?
Okay, Jongin was going to be cool. Opening the phone coolly. Without a hurry. Make the other wait a little, so that it won’t be too weird. Cool...
Oh dear lord, damn his still growing teen body and pitched voice.
“Hey! So... Um, it’s me. You know that boy who- anyway, since nobody molested me lately, I’m guessing you didn’t put my number to anywhere... Having a day-off? Also happy birthday.”
Jongin couldn’t help but chuckled a bit at the guy’s cute fumbled words. Also to cover up his own awkwardness. No one had to know that. He cleared his throat and with a silly smile, clutched his phone.
“Thanks. Yeah, I’m way more free now I guess. Thanks again. Umm so, I didn’t asked the other time but what happened with Jongnim -Sorry, fine Jonghyun-?”
As time passed, they continued to talk. Jongin spent a big part of his birthday in his room, talking to a complete stranger but his friends had better things to do anyway... Such as making out and looking blankly at a wall... Why was Lay looking blankl- Whatever.
“Oh and by the way, I’m Jongin.”
A friendship without knowing yet knowing everything about eachother slowly builded itself between Kyungsoo and Jongin.
After a month of their first encounter, their phone calls become a daily thing. Their conversations usually started with something silly like;
“I can’t open the jar’s lid.Does hot water help?”
“Grey or yellow? Never mind why, which one?”
“Do you have any good recipes? No Jongin, instant ramen won’t do!”
“Kyungsoo what is 36’s root? What do you mean by I could have just used a calculator?”
Now it’s been 3 months already.
“Anyway, I’ll have to hang up in 5 minutes anyway Jongin”
“What? Why? Are you going to library again? Why are you going to there almost everyday anyway?”
“I work in there idiot.”
“Fine, Mr I’m-So-Boring-That-Even-My-Job-Is-Boring. Ring me up when you get home.”
“Don’t you have dance practice today? You know, it’s Wednesday and such?”
“Oh...Oh! Oh- Shit! I totally forgot!”
Kyungsoo laughed loudly at younger boy’s antics. As he reached the library’s entrance, he shut the phone with a silly smile on his face.
They didn’t see any reason to know each other’s faces or meeting in real life. It was great as it was. They were honest to eachother. Sometimes, maybe too honest. They showed eachother the quirks that they showed no one before.
Kyungsoo knew Jongin’s shy personality and insecurities that he tries to cover up with being a jerk.
Jongin knew Kyungsoo’s fake smiles towards his friends while getting tired to be left out everytime.
Their friendship worked perfectly and it was like a special new run-away place for them.
“Kyungsoo, I only like you because you’re the only person who is smarter than a monkey around me. Don’t feel so special.I don’t need your loving”
“Oh yeah? Don’t worry I won’t let it go to my head. I only talk to you because I pity you and also my hyungs are probably on a date anyway.”
“Really now? Well- You smell!”
“Wha-? How old are you? 5?”
“Please, I’m gorgeous.”
“Why? Did someone actually looked at your face without screaming bloody murder today?”
“Why you-! Your cooking sucks!”
“Hey! You dance like a spazzing frog!”
“Oh? Then you’re-“
“Comfy place”
“Just wait a bit and... Yup. Check.”
“Have you gone to toilet?”
“I- Kyungsoo- why- what?”
“You’re right. I have to pee. Be right back. Don’t start the movie without me.”
Kyungsoo aranged his pillows one last time on his bed and shut the lights. Dim light of his laptop made it easy for him to see in the dark.
Setting his phone on speaker, he lay on his bed and reached for some popcorn.
Since they didn’t meet in real life and both of them had a too much time to waste, dancer and doe eyed boy had this movie dates via phone almost every Fridays.They would choose films in turns and make silly comments about scenes or actors in it.
Some shuffling from the other line made petite boy look up.
“Okay. I’m back. Now, are you sure about this movie? It sounds like some cheesy drama.”
“Yeah. You’re going to cry. Mark on my words Jonginy.”
“Like hell I will! You’re a girl in heart Kyungy”
“You little brat! Just start the movie!”
“Jongin... Are you... Are you crying?”
“What? Wha- Ha- Of course not Kyungsoo! W-Why would you say that?!”
“I thought I just heard you- Oh my god, you’re totally crying!”
“No! I’m not crying over some stupid movie! It’s just ridiculous and also- He loved her okay?! Why did he had to leave and- She got married with some dipshit! She should have wait for him! What kind of movie is this?!”
A sob and a sniffle.
A blowing nose noise was Kyungsoo’s last speck.
Doe eyed boy let out a huge roar and doubled on his bed. Buttery popcorn remains were spilling from it’s bowl and his laptop was dangerously close to the edge yet Kyungsoo couldn’t let himself to care at the moments.
Between his chocked breaths he could hear Jongin’s whinings and annoyed huffs.
“I’m shutting the phone. You soulless little shit.”
When the line went dead, short boy was pretty much laying spreaded on his bed, tears on his eyes and a hand clutching his now hurting stomach. While he was trying to calm his remaining tiny laughers, Kyungsoo heard his phone ringing with a low hum.
Seeing Jongin’s name flashing on his screen, he answered it without hesitation.
“I just... Goodnight Kyungsoo.”
Kyungsoo gave a heart shaped huge grin to the night air.
“Goodnight Jongin.”
Jongin dialed Kyungsoo’s number with trembled fingers. His ridiculous, shiny costume was itchy, his heart was beating like crazy and he was sitting on some smelly public restroom in order to running away from Sehun and Lay.
“...Aren’t you supposed to be in a competition right now?”
Wow, not even a hi...Ah, yes. Jongin needed that in the moment. Nagging motherhen. Biting words yet gentle like a puppy.
“Heh... It’s funny actually. I kind of can’t.”
Dark skinned boy cursed at his trembling voice. He was amazing at dancing and he knew it yet he couldn’t help but feel like walls were crawling up to him, trying to smother him. It wasn’t even his first competition! He was being ridiculous!
“Jongin are you alright?”
He whipped his forehead clean from gushing sweat. No, he really wasn’t alright.
“My costume is itchy and gold. Gold, Kyungsoo. Really, all that gold colored tights and such. Also some important people are coming to watch me performance, and by important people I mean people whom can change my future. You know, a bit stressed out I guess. Oh and Sehun won’t leave me alone. Geez now Lay is screaming out for me too... I’m kind of hiding by the way. Oh god Eunhyuk is going to skin me alive and-“
His ranting got lined up in his lungs as he heard a low hum in the other line. A soft voice filled his ears and he closed his eyes slowly after a bit halting.
Jongin didn’t know what song was that. Or was it even a legit song, he had no idea. Soft humming and a few words here and there felt like a gentle petting on his back. Resting his body to dirty wall -Donghae was going to kill him for this- he breathed out slowly.
“C’mon Jongin, you can do this. You’re great, you know that right?”
Jongin slowly got up from the toilet lid and opened his eyes. His calmed heart now was filled with something else other than anxiety. He decided to pass it as excitement in that moment.
“Thank you Kyungsoo.”
After shutting the phone, he stepped outside and faced his friends. In that moment, he heard his name from the loud speakers.
“Guess who won the competition and the schoolarship?”
Cheeky bastard with his cheeky smirk filled voice.
Kyungsoo gulped down his squeaks and cleared his throat.
“Probably Lay...”
Annoying brat-ish voice of Jongin.
“Then it must be Sehun”
“Yah! Kyungsoo!”
Aaand here we have some whining baby Jongin.
Kyungsoo let himself squaek a bit and let out a giggle.
“I told you! You did it Jongin!”
“Yeah, since I’m so amazing and such...”
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes between his tiny happy giggles. Normally, he would say something to make Jongin’s flying butt to sit down yet, he thought, dancer kind of deserved to let hiss butt fly a bit for now.
As his heart skipped a beat with affection, he burried down the feeling with joy he felt for his friend.
As a few more months passed, Jongin’s and Kyungsoo’s relationship got more tight. Even sometimes, some flirting would get into their conversations and make them blush pinkish colors until many hours later.
They didn’t judge the relationship between themselves. They refused to label it as anything in fear of losing it.
They didn’t ponder about why their heart would give small flutters sometimes. They just didn’t.
Yet their friend did.
“You totally want his D Kyungsoo.”
“Oh my god Chanyeol it was just- Anyway, but seriously Kyunnie!”
“Don’t you even dare to complain about me and my beautiful deer’s relationship Jongin... You know if you could, you would totally lay your phone boy to that table like I’m going to do to my Luhan-hyung right at this moment.”
“...I thought you and Kyungsoo was dating already.”
For Kyungsoo, he would laugh it away shyly and try to change the topic.
Yet for Jongin, he found the solution to fight away that topic in a different way.
Dark skinned dancer glanced up to Taemin from head to toe. In turn, light haired boy eyed Jongin back across the practice room. Jongin’s face bloomed with a smirk.
Kyungsoo chocked a sob when he dialed the familiar number. He felt like just burying himself under a blanket and cry in there until spent.
Fragile boy hugged his pillow closer to himself and layed down on his bed. Soft ringing was chanting on his ear.
“Hey! What’s up?”
Upon hearing the deep, somewhat relaxing voice, Kyungsoo let himself go. He let out a loud sob and didn’t stop his wet sniffs. Tears were tracking down on his face, his nose was running and he was sure his voice just destroyed Jongin’s ear.
“Kyungsoo? Hey? What happened?”
Doe eyed boy would laugh at panic filled voice of his friend if he didn’t feel like dying himself.
“M-my father... Mom c-called and-and- he is-“
As more loud sobs filled the empty room, Kyungsoo buried himself more into his bed. He just wanted to be held and be soothed. He wanted his mom. His dad. He wanted Jongin’s arms around himself. Jongin’s voice in his ears to soothe him.
“It’s okay Kyungsoo. Just let it out, cry. I’m here. I’ll be here.”
And he was there. Jongin stayed on his phone through the whole night, listened Kyungsoo’s sobs and sometimes saying a few words to heal some wounds in heart.
It wasn’t arms that hugged Kyungsoo but gentleness of Jongin’s deep voice and his caring words.
“So, my date was pretty awesome with Taemin today.”
Kyungsoo halted his move. He just froze on the spot while reaching out for his book.
“I didn’t know you were dating someone”
Why did his voice trembled a bit or why did his heart felt like burning alive was beyond Kyungsoo. Doe eyed boy clenched his fist and retracked it to his side.
“Oh yeah. Haven’t I told you yet? I asked him out a few day ago. Cute guy. I can’t explain, you have to see him, really. Pretty. He has this quirk-“
“Hey Jongin, since my finals are coming, I really have to study you know. Can I call you when I’m free?”
Doe eyed boy stabbed his stare to the mirror across the room while not really listening to Jongin’s complaints about their lacking phone calls. He quietly walked towards the oval mirror and looked at himself blankly. Pretty. Probably prettier than himself.
He shut the phone quietly.
Jongin didn’t even know his face... or who was Kyungsoo in real life.
In exchange of that, petite boy didn’t know how was Jongin in real life either. So he couldn’t actually like him or have any sort of affection towards him, right?
So, then why did tears spilled from his doe eyes and his insides felt like crushing?
After a week of not talking with Kyungsoo at all Jongin was a bit restless about it. Also Taemin was one of the most annoying person he ever dated. Really. Annoying. Too needy. Probably can’t cook. His voice wasn’t the best at singing either.
With a huff Jongin called Kyungsoo once again. Like he was trying to do for a week. Everyday. Sometimes 4 times a day. Okay, now, finals were important. Dancer knew that. He knew that yet... He needed some Kyungsoo loving,dammit!
After a long waiting, a clicking sound made Jongin jolt. For the first time in a week, he was going to hear Kyungsoo’s voice and-
“Hey, sorry Kyungsoo is in the shower... Umm is this important?”
-he was going to have a conversation with a young male.
“Uh, not really. I’ll call back another time I guess.”
There was an uncomfortable silence in which Jongin couldn’t help but break.
“Who am I speaking with actually?”
It was a bit rude, dancer guessed but...
“I’m Xiumin. I’m Kyungsoo’s- Ah here it is! I’ll give the phone-“
“No no! Just, I’ll call back later”
Dark haired boy quickly shut the phone and and threw himself to his chair. So, Kyungsoo had a boyfriend then. That’s why he had no time for him. Jongin couldn’t help but glower a bit. He was angry. He was angry and... totally not jealous but angry.
It felt unfair.
If Kyungsoo was giving other people care and affection, then where was Jongin’s daily dose of Kyungsoo loving?
He left out a frustrated harsh breath and dialed Taemin’s number. Not minding the painful squeezing of his heart, he set up an another date with him.
Kyungsoo looked desperately at Xiumin. This was called kidnapping and torture! Never mind the fact that he was still in his own house and nobody hurt him yet.
“Call him right now Kyungsoo or I swear the god I’ll-“
“Yah! Then you’re going to call Chen and confess to him!”
Xiumin was deep red, because of anger or embarrassment, petite boy didn’t really know.
“It’s not the same you idiot!”
“It’s the same!”
“Why are you so-!”
Before they know it, two shortie got into a fight which involded girly punches, bites and un-planned kicks. In the end, they were both laying on the floor, giggling like 5 years olds.
Kyungsoo gave out a sigh and looked at his phone.
“I guess I’ll call him. I have to get over this not-crush-crush. This is stupid. I don’t even know him!”
Xiumin patted his back with a warm gesture.
“It’s not stupid Kyungsoo. You just like who you like.”
After some exhanging smiles, doe eyed boy reached at his phone.
He liked Jongin. Without knowing him yet knowing him so well. Jongin was talented, caring, needy and megalomaniac. Also, shy and stupidly sweet enough to stay in some library for 2 nights in order to searching some long ass homework because Kyungsoo had a flu. It was stupid. It was ridiculous. It was...Perfect.
Sadly, it had to stop. Kyungsoo was not going to lose his friend.
When Kyungsoo called Jongin, there was some whining, attitudes, painful apologize sessions, diva-offing and finally making up.
In no time their friendship got back into it’s road and they were talking daily again. Maybe it was a bit more draw off from Kyungsoo’s side and a bit needy from Jongin’s side but still it was working again.
Jongin never asked about that Xiunen guy. Or Xiulen or whatever. He refused to even think about it. He didn’t liked the feel it gave him.
Then there was Kyungsoo, he wanted to talk more about Taemin, like he was chanting that Jongin had a relationship in his mind over and over again.
Their relationship worked. A bit broken in both sides, but working.
Jongin was sitting at some nice cafe, waiting for Taemin to come. It was their first month anniversary. They were celebrating their first month anniversary. Month. Anniversary. More like ‘the-most-ridiculous-thing-to-celebrate-ever’.
Okay, now Kyungsoo and he celebrated their 6th month anniversary too. He may or may not have been the one who wanted to celebrate it also. It was a great anniversary actually. Drinking some booze, watching silly TV shows and eating ice cream. But that was totally different! Totally. Different.
Tanned boy looked at his phone, checking the clock. He was too early. Too freaking early and he just wanted to smash Sehun’s head. Why Sehun’s head? Because Sehun was a freaking idiot in general and had a lovely -psychopatic- relationship while he was going early to his anniversary with Taemin and Kyungsoo was probably going to celebrate his and that Xiomon dude’s anniversary soon too.
Not that he cared. He was probably more handsome than that Xiululu anyway.
Why not call Kyungsoo while waiting?
And that Jongin did.
“Hey Jongin!”
“Hey Kyungsoo. So, what are you doing?”
There was some sipping voice in the other line. Then, some sighing.
“Nothing. I’m just sitting in a cafe, trying to relax before going to library.”
Jongin hummed with empathy. He was glad he didn’t have to work. His dance courses and and school was taking his whole time. Also some computer games. They were important too.
“I thought you didn’t work in Saturdays.”
Some more painful sighing.
“I don’t. I don’t want to either but Xiumin decided to work my ass until I drop dead.”
Oh. That dude again. This strangely hurt. Like, someone was stabbing you hurt.
That Xiuwa didn’t deserve Kyungsoo’s time. Nobody deserved Kyungsoo’s time. Kyungsoo was nice, filled with affection, usually nagging yet always putting everyone else before himself. He was great, pretty, lovely... Brave enough to call his dance teachers and yell at them for making Jongin stay in there until late at nights -in which Jongin had no idea how he got the number- and gave him more free times.
He was... Jongin loved him. Like, ‘hey you’re too sweet to be real and I think I kind of have a crush on your existence’ kind of way.
Staring blankly at the sugar bowl on the table, Jongin felt his breath hitch with a skip of his heart. It was stupid. It was ridiculous. It was... It was... Perfect.
“Hey, Jongin? Jongin? Hey yo! Well, since you’re flying over your head, I must say I got to go. I’ll call you back later”
“-ll call you back later.”
Dancer snapped his head to the source of the voice. He dropped his phone and looked around frantically.He could have swear he just heard-
There is was. A boy, few tables away, looking at his phone confusedly. Jongin couldn’t really make out how the boy looked like. Small, dark haired and fair skinned. His heart felt like it was going to drop and spazz wildly on the floor.
As Kyungsoo -or supposedly Kyungsoo- shut his phone, Jongin looked swiftly at his own.
“Call ended”
As petite looking boy left the cafe, Jongin jumped out of his seat and ran after him. His legs felt like jelly, he had no idea what to say and he could just see Kyungsoo in front of him. Kyungsoo. He was there.
Tanned boy dashed down the street and was about to reach Kyungsoo when he suddenly halted.
Did he really want to see him?
Destroy everything they had built?
Maybe even feeling disappointed with what he sees and throwing away every feelings he had?
Also, Kyungsoo had Xiumin now. What would be Jongin’s role in his life anyway?
Jongin retracted his reaching hand and stepped away a bit. His eyes was glued to the short boy with blue coat. To Kyungsoo.
Part of him wanted to snatch him away from all that crowd into his arms and never letting go and the other part of him just wanted to forget about everything. His feelings, Kyungsoo... His slowly walking away frame.
He was nothing in Kyungsoo’s life. Just a guy with a wrong number.
“Jongin? What are you doing, standing on a street?”
“Taemin, I can’t do this. Let’s break up.”
After a week of their last talk, Kyungsoo never heard of Jongin again. After all that weird hanging up on the dancer’s side, doe eyed boy was actually worried.
He called, texted, called again, left voice mails, yet... Jongin didn’t even answer. Or let him know that he was alive or something.
Well, Kyungsoo knew he was alive. He called Jongin’s dance teachers -he had built a weird friendship with them since most of the time Jongin only listen to Kyungsoo’s naggings other then their’s- and his teachers said he was fine. A bit distracted and sulky but fine.
Petite boy wasn’t sure what had he done wrong. He was just getting over Jongin, finding the joy in being friends again.
What is Jongin found out about his crush on him? Or worse, he saw who he was?
Freaked out? Got disgusted?
Kyungsoo let out a whimper and buried his face into Baekhyun’s shoulder. He could feel the itching pressure of tears in his eyes.
“I don’t want this, hyung”
A soothing hand tangled itself to Kyungsoo’s dark hair.
“I know Kyunggie. You were so stupid to let yourself fall in this deep... It’s okay. It’ll past. I promise.”
He didn’t mean to fall in this deep for someone with a wrong number.
“Jongin what are you doing?”
“Sulking Sehun. What do look like I am doing?”
“İmitating a turtle.”
“Go away.”
Sehun sighed loudly and kicked the lump called Jongin on his bed. This whole drama was getting ridiculous.
“Why didn’t you just go to him? Are you an idiot?”
“No Sehun you don’t understand he is-“
“Perfect and you’re just the boy with the wrong number... Are you trying to be poetic or something? If you’re going to sulk, go and do it in your own house.
Some painful moans could be heard under his blanket and Sehun barely stopped himself from kicking the shit out of his friend.
At least, his beautiful Luhan was coming and they could just ignore the idiot in the room together.
“Hey baby!”
Jongin made some gagging voices but Sehun decided to ignore it.
Luhan came into the room with using his separe key and threw himself to blank faced boy’s arms. Deer look-alike boy’s eyes glanced up to miserable lump on the bed and frowned.
“Aish! Everyone is so gloomy! I called Xiumin just a moment ago and he was complaining about not seeing his new lover Chen and how Valentine’s day is tomorrow yet he couldn’t buy anything for him and bla bla bla!”
Sehun jumped a few feet when the sad lump suddenly came to life. Jumping from the bed, Jongin threw himself to Luhan’s feet.
“What about that Xiomun?! What do you mean by he has a lover named Chin?”
“What Xiomun? Are you an idiot? Go away. Ew don’t touch my feet you idiot. Anyway as I was saying, this Xiumin’s friend is just like Jongin now. It seems like, his friend met someone on phone, had a huge crush on him -without knowing him, really!- and now it seems like he got ignored and Xiumin was trying to make that boy get over him.”
Suddenly Luhan’s face twisted with a creepy smirk. The one that usually freaked Sehun out. The one that usually ended up with happy Luhan and a miserable victim.
Sehun gulped.
“You guys want to guess who is that friend?”
Jongin jolted from the floor and threw himself to Luhan. Hugging him with all of his worth, he started to shake Luhan.
Kyungsoo putted away all the books under his arms aggressively. Stupid Valentine’s day. Stupid couples. Stupid boss for making him work in Valentine’s day. Stupid phones. Stupid crushes. Stupid Jongin. Stupid-
“Kyungsoo you’re going to break that shelf if you continue to do that”
Petite boy huffed and looked murderously at Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Stupid love.
“Go and love eachother elsewhere”
With a huff, he turned around and left the scene. Stupid Kyungsoo for still not getting over his not-crush-crush.
Tanned dancer was trembling. He had brushed his hair, washed his teeth for 3 times, asked 6 different strangers about how he looked and got positive responses and a phone number and lastly he had a box of chocolate. White ones with nutty cream filled. Kyungsoo’s favorites.
Now, all he had to do get into that library and get on with it.
After a long talk with Luhan, he managed to learn that Kyungsoo had a crush on him for a while. And that he was an asshole for dating Taemin and for not calling Kyungsoo for a week.
So, he was safe. His confession would go smoothly with the knowledge he had. Or so he hoped. Maybe Kyungsoo didn’t have a crush on him. Maybe it was a prank for getting his month worth pocket money -Sehun was an asshole- . Maybe-
A hard kick made him stumble into the library.
“Jongin fighting!”
Sehun was an asshole.
Doe eyed boy looked boredly at the clock. There was a little time left until he was done for the day. He wasn’t sure if he wanted his shift to end tho. It was Valentine’s day... Couples... Everywhere... Hand holding... Being lovely...
His miserable thoughts got cut in the middle with the low hums of his phone. Panickly he reached for it. He was in the library, how stupid he was to leaving his phone open in his shift!
In his panic state, he didn’t even looked at who was calling him. Kyungsoo answered the phone right away.
“I can’t talk, I’m workin-“
“No please wait!”
Kyungsoo felt his heart skip a beat with hearing the dancer’s voice after a week. He felt like laughing yet at the same time screaming at him. Making him worried and not even calling. That brat!
“I can’t. I’m hanging up”
Jongin deserved some attitude now.
“Just wait until I find you okay?”
Yeah, sure. Like hell Kyungsoo was going to do- Finding him? What did Jongin mean why ‘finding him’?
“There you are”
Petite boy looked up with huge eyes of his to the source of the voice. A boy, holding a phone and a heart shaped box, grinning nervously up at him.
Tan skin, attractive smile, perfect hair... Was he... Jongin?
Kyungsoo felt everything stop in that moment. His insides felt like being squeezed and his mind was blank.
“I- Jon..gin?”
“I... Look, I have an explanation to make. Really, like, you have to listen to me. First of all, Oh my god you’re probably the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen and no- I wasn’t going to start like this. Now it got awkward. But really, you’re like... Anyways, what I wanted to say is I’m an asshole. Also I kind of like you. Not kind of. I like you. Really. I’m just the boy with the wrong number but... Can I at least be the right guy for you?”
Deep shade of crimson was Kyungsoo’s face at the moment. Deep. Crimson. It probably looked like he was going to explode or something. He probably was going to explode anyway. Not that Jongin’s face was much more different than him.
Between his wild heart beats, petite boy fumbled with his hands and bit his lips. He didn’t think he could open his mouth yet. His eyes was maping out the boy infront of him with the huge eyes of his and he was seriously afraid of moving.
Jongin was fidgeting infront of him too. Like, shaking kind of fidgeting.
“Oh, and I bought you a box of chocolate. Since you love chocolates...and boxes. Your favorites. Yeah. So, let’s date.“
Doe eyed boy finally got his senses and snapped out of his daze. Besides that attractive boy, he saw the Jongin he talked for almost 7 months. The boy who got awkward when he was nervous, the boy who got scared shitless from a cheap horror movie in one of their movie nights and couldn’t shut the phone entire night and the boy he liked.
“Well... This is kind of getting awkward. Is it because I called you pretty. I can totally take that back! Not that you’re not pretty! You’re pretty! I like you, please don’t hate me”
And the boy who whined without a break.
Kyungsoo’s face finally bloomed with a heart shaped smile. His crinkled eyes found Jongin’s surprised ones and he took a one step closer.
“You’re an ass.”
Jongin left out a hushed breath. Without intentionally he answered;
“But a gorgeous one.”
A soft uncontrollable giggle passed shorter boy’s full lips.
“I’ll date you. Just because you got me the chocolates”
Jongin’s face was probably going to break from his sudden, kind of weird, huge grin.
“I knew it. Chocolate makes the world go around. Just saying. But our date is going to be kind of lame since I have no money. I gave my last dolars to Sehun and Luhan for learning where do you work at”
Kyungsoo played around more with his fingers and smiled gently at his... boyfriend?
“It’s okay.”
Younger boy’s face was suddenly so close with a weird expression.
“I’m going to kiss you now. If you’re going to punch me or something, this is a good time.”
When their thick lips molded together, Kyungsoo clinged to Jongin’s coat. Their phones and a box of chocolate was long forgotten on the floor.
Never in their life they felt something this stupid, ridiculous and perfect.
For Kyungsoo, Jongin was the wrong number he dialed yet the right person he found.
For Jongin, Kyungsoo was the right number all along.
“Oh my god, Kyungsoo is kissing a dude!”
“That dude would be Jongin. Hi, I’m Luhan and this is Sehun and Lay.”
“Oh, nice to meet you. I’m Chanyeol and this is my Baekhyun.”
“Wow I still had doubts that Jongin was actually a middle aged creeper “
“Wait, why are we here? I thought we were here to-“
“Lay, can you just- No. Nevermind.”
“Oh my god! Where is Jongin’s hands are going?”
“Ow! That was a nice punch from Kyungsoo. I’m so proud of my Soo-baby.”
“Wrong numbered phones rang the right hearts.”
“Wow that was poetic Sehun.”
“I know. I’ve been thinking about this since we left the house.”