so dreary...Jappa no Amane Ch3-4

Sep 08, 2012 21:47


Yeah...lucky week for yall!
With my atrocious cleaning combined with shinobu_kazuomi awesome cleaning skills...I was able to push out two chapters!
Thank you shinobu_kazuomi!! Shower her with gifts and teddies and what not because she just works really hard around the manga world, she cleans...A LOT! like a boss!
Hope your bunny recovers! Best of wishes!

Again, thank you yukina99 for helping out with the names, they always prove to be a blah for me and I probably translated Tenshi's father's name wrong too!

Off tangent, school is going to suck up all my time...I only have Saturday partially free to do anything and Friday. I got Chinese school...heh, last year in junior high school for that! I'm already a junior in high school, it's nuts...I'm scared o.O!!

Anyways enough about translating is slowly getting better...I think...I hope.
But it's still rigid as heck.

About Hua Hua You Long...I may or may not be translating that one...that depends really, I see a potential translator with a waaaay better grip on the Chinese-English translating business. Everybody read how I translated the two volumes and my English was just really bad and no, it's not my second language actually...

HHYL Vol 3 and probably onwards will be translated (tenative) by asiaisaru
Which means I shall be dropping the project. It's better to leave it in better hands :D

Laterz! Remember to flaunt your thanks to the people who I mentioned!!!


Ch 4:

jappa no amane

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