This new addiction...Banana ch4

Aug 21, 2013 18:36

Don't mind me recycling this picture even if this chapter is totally not about this couple...anymore.
Anyways this chapter was done a week ago, so that's why it's coming out so quick. Next chapter I'm done with as well, but seeing how I fixed the pages more in this chapter I'll probably have to retouch those pages as well :P and summer homework is somewhat seeing its finish line...either way I got 3 more weeks lololol

Yeah...this new addiction came from my sister re-watching HunterxHunter hahahahahaha
And guess what ship sailed my waters?

Hisogon...aka Hisoka x Gon!!! That creepy pedo became a sexy creepy pedo in the 2011 version. Mah god...his obsession with killing Gon when he is ripe is so unusually scary and my demented mind still ships them! Haha too bad the fandom is quite small...and no I don't condone pedophilia. I'm such a hypocrite...but understand's anime vs reality. lol Don't kill me please!

Ch 4:

banana wa oyatsu ni irimasen

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