I am not often an ass hole.

Jan 26, 2010 10:07

More to the point rarely do I find it necessary to be so. I do not like to have to be in the position that makes me so! Those that know me for a LONG time have seen me get this way once or twice in years. It is not pretty.
Still I am not ashamed of my actions.
The morning started out with me going to the hospital to visit Woofers Sir. For the most part I stay out of what ever is going on between the two of them. I remain supportive of what ever makes Woofer happy. He deserves this and it is something that I cannot give to him my self. Sir is a good guy I like him and more importantly I trust him with my Woofer.
The issue is drugs. Nicotine is a very dangerous drug that has long-term effect on the hart lungs mind and body. It is Hard TO GIVE UP. We bears are not the most active healthy guys around as it is. I am not finding fault, just saying that being heavy, living a sedentary lifestyle, drinking and smoking is not a good life stile.
Sir has told everyone that he is not going to give up smoking and then put his feet firmly in the ground. Every one has told him he must quit or face the consequence of these actions.
My conversation with sir was pretty strait and to the point. I asked him why he thinks its ok to put Woofer thru this if he truly loves him. I asked hard questions and would not quit until he understood that I will have non of this. He might be woofers Sir but Woofer is and will all ways be MY Woofer first and foremost. Woofer comes first period. I was a total ass, hard mean and pretty unforgiving. I made it clear what I expected. We both cried a lot during this. I stopped short of saying either you stop smoking or I will do what I need to do to protect the man I love, the man who deserves better.

For the rest of the day I felt like a total cunt. I hate having to do shit like this. I went to the baths, soaked in the hot tub steamed out my anger and cried a lot more. At home I questioned my right to do any of this. What was morel and good verses the need to protect Woofer. Feeling very conflicted I tried to relax. I kept thinking what the fuck, am I the pot calling the kettle black? Lance called me. Not in the mood I fought with him for the first time in our 6 years of knowing each other. I cried some more. I called him back and apologized. Lance did not deserve this either. After talking with Lance I felt a lot better. He let me vent, a lot.
The day ended better then it started. Sir and Woofer talked and changes for the better are being made.
I am still a little upset but better for it. I tell myself that anger has a place. That need for love is a powerful thing. Being loved all the more so. There is no doubt Woofer loves Sir and that is as it should be.
We bears need to love one another stick close together. Sir is an important part of MY family, the family I make every day by choice.
I just need to forgive myself for doing what I needed to do.
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