Naruto Doujinshi Update

Jun 23, 2011 10:50

So, on Monday I got a huge package from Shopping Mall Japan in the mail. =D While I still have some doujinshi coming to me, I figured I'd go ahead and post about the ones that I now have. Last time I posted about my Naruto doujinshi, this is how big my collections was:

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sasunaru, doujinshi, naruto

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Comments 19

sarabi_v2 June 23 2011, 16:13:40 UTC
Ha, you have enough books that we can trade now if you'd like to add the 5 Mameya I have to your 13. ^^


kiuolo June 23 2011, 18:06:17 UTC


Yes! Yes! I would love to~! Yay! I'm so happy!!

I thought you only had four Mameya doujinshi, though! But! If you have five, I'd definitely be more than happy to take them off of your hands...! Ahhh...!!


Which ones were you interested in? =D Please take the two pr0n doujinshi off of my hands Dx


sarabi_v2 June 23 2011, 18:56:10 UTC
Can you get a decent size pic of all the Naruto books you are willing to trade? I have 4 confirmed Mameya doujinshi and one that I think might be by them because the art style is extremely similar. I'll get sample pages of it.


kiuolo June 23 2011, 20:55:41 UTC
Yeah! I can do that. =D I'm heading back home in a little over an hour, so I'll take pictures then. Now I just have to think about which ones I want to trade...


chibichidori June 23 2011, 16:18:50 UTC
Bahaha. Your doujinshi collection is pretty impressive compared to my pathetic 2... ^^:;;

But the stationary and poster/thing and the book look so cute! :D Maybe it can be a future project for EE? (What circle is the book from? I like the art and I think I might go hunting for more projects by that circle).


kiuolo June 23 2011, 18:13:10 UTC
You should buy more doujinshi! =D I love having them! Do you know how to order them off of Yahoo! Japan Auctions?

I KNOW, RIGHT? *3* I love them so much. I don't know if it could be a future project or not, though. See, this doujinshi is half novel, half manga. Obviously, I have absolutely no idea as to what it happening the the first, written half of it. In the end, though, it appears that a race is going on. It's very cute.<3

Anyway, I think it was a collaboration between QLindo (the same author who did 7 Days After) and 180°. I'm not home right now, but when I am I can get that doujinshi and tell you their web addresses. It's listed in the back of the book. That way, you can check out more of their books and art. Also, if you want that exact doujinshi, the person who sold it to me listed it again on Yahoo! Japan Auctions! I bet you'd get all of the extra stuff I got, too!


kiuolo June 23 2011, 18:22:03 UTC
Oh, wait. It doesn't look like it's listed anymore. D: The auction must have ended. I can tell you if I see it listed again, though! If you want me to, that is. ^^


chibichidori June 23 2011, 19:56:24 UTC
I don't know how to order them off Yahoo! Japan Auctions (if it's anything like ebay, I tend to avoid it just because bidding for me is just something I can't get...xD) I am trying to add to my collection though. I need more manga-type books in general (as the only ones I have now are Loveless and some shoujo books...).

If our translator is willing, we can always translate the written part! If not, I can always try and get my cousin to read it for me. As long as it's not overly explicit, he has translated for me in the past.... ^^; But the art looks so adorable, I bet it is cute.

Please let me know if they auction it again! :D I'd like to buy it (and probably gush over the extra things as much as you have, if not more). xD Web addresses will also be appreciated~ Time to start my doujin hunt~ :D


shinigami_777 June 23 2011, 23:17:29 UTC
Wow!! so many doujins *so jealous*
They look pretty cute, especially Mameya's, although the N 16 (first picture) seems very interesting.
Congratulations for your (increasing) duojins collection^^


kiuolo June 24 2011, 01:04:19 UTC
Thank you~! I've spent a lot of money collecting them. xD My poor wallet... It was worth it, though! I love my doujinshi!

Believe me, I'm doing my best to make sure it keeps increasing. >3 I swear, doujinshi is an addiction for me. Haha. Do you own any SasuNaru doujinshi? =D


shinigami_777 June 24 2011, 02:34:39 UTC
Not yet, all my doujins are Hetalia.
Well, as I told you before is quite expensive the shipping cost is double or triple also prefer a personal seller, for now my doujins are from China and my seller is a very kind person. So hopefully soon will find someone to help me in Japan.


kiuolo June 24 2011, 02:48:52 UTC
Oh, I see! Yeah, now that you mention it, I think I remember you saying that before. =o Well, I hope you're able to get some Naruto doujinshi eventually! It stinks that it costs so much more for you... I wish you the best of luck in finding someone who can help you get doujinshi in Japan! =D


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kiuolo June 24 2011, 21:15:33 UTC
Thank you! I've spent many an hour stalking Yahoo! Japan Auctions so that my collection can grow bigger and bigger. :'D (I have no life outside of my fandoms and babysitting xD)

Aw! That stinks that you don't have any! D: Really, they're not too hard to store. I have a couple of large folders containing clear files that I keep them in. It's handy, doesn't take up much space, and I don't have to worry as much about them being damaged. If you ever decide to start collecting them, I would definitely suggest storing them that way!

It makes me really happy to know you like my current collection! o///o If there are any doujinshi of mine that you are curious about in particular, I'd be more than happy to give you information about them!


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kiuolo June 27 2011, 21:53:25 UTC
I'm really glad I'm not the only one who's doing some stalking! I can sympathize with you so much. Fanfiction is pretty much my one true love, and it seems like I'm constantly sifting through it to find stories I like. It's worth it, though! It really is. I can also sympathize with the whole not-being-able-to-read-fanfiction-while-watching-small-children thing, too. xD When I take a chance at look at yaoi things on my laptop when I'm babysitting, I always have to angle my laptop away and make sure they're not going to try and look at it! Haha. I guess I really am addicted to my pairings. <3


Hi! ext_703242 July 8 2011, 16:26:15 UTC
OMMMMMMMMMMMGGG I love SasuNaru,i would cry tears of happiness if i had just one,i love Yaoi more than anything <33333 your so lucky! to have such a beautiful collection,Would you ever sell just one? Atleast think about it? Thanks!


Re: Hi! kiuolo July 8 2011, 17:42:29 UTC
Comrade...! *0* I, too, love SasuNaru! It's one of my very favorite yaoi pairings!

Unfortunately, I'm not planning on selling any of my doujinshi right now. )= I'm sorry... However, there are many other places you can get doujinshi! I've gotten most of mine from Yahoo! Japan Auctions, which is basically the Japanese Ebay. To buy from there if you don't live in Japan, you have to use a middle man service, though. I recommend Shopping Mall Japan! If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask!

Another place you can buy doujinshi is here on Livejournal. Just a few hours ago I saw someone selling some of their impressive collection of doujinshi. Here's the link:

There are also some other sellers, which I can track down for you if you want me to! Anything for a fellow doujinshi lover! Especially one that also likes Sasunaru! Haha.


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