V-Day Fics

Jan 14, 2011 22:05

I'm doing a couple of V-Day fics to ward off the evil that is my job. Why? Cause I didn't get the position. *growl* My answers weren't detailed enough...which just sucks because the position went to a total...*GRRRRR*....

*breathes* Anyhow...I'm listing the fic ideas here, and out of the seven I need people to chose five. That way I have something to work on in-between bouts of love/hate.

1. "Love Potion?! Ivy, NEIN!!" (G to R depending on how this goes)

-Ms. Isley, aka Poison Ivy, needs a bit of permanent funding to allow her to pursue her never ending quest to free all plants from the hands of humans and rightfully enslave humans in turn. Who better than Bruce Wayne? He's cute, he's witty, he's rich...perfect! She creates a love potion with the help of her plant friends...but there's a problem. The potion has no cure. It doesn't last long either. It only lasts the equivalent of a day. It's long enough to get what she wants, a marraige, divorce, and half of what he owns. No problem! Right?


There are unexpected side effects...and she realizes a little too late what they are when all hell breaks loose in the blink of an eye. One drop was enough to sway the man...seven...well...

The world is not ready for a love stricken rich man...who has the hots for...someone else.

2. "Candy Hearts and Sweet Tarts" (G for sure)

A sweet short ficlet in which some feelings are best conveyed by an occasional red lettered heart and some candy spelling it out for the clueless.

3. "Pink and Black" (NC-17)
         It started out as a joke. Just an off comment that seemed to go no where. They laughed it off and went on their way, not thinking about it again. At least...one of them. The other thought about it...thought long and hard about it and actually did something about it..

And When a bit of Pink K comes into play...Black Lace and pink hearts are the least of this forbidden fantasy.

4. "Pancake Hearts and Pop Tarts." (PG)

Dick and Tim conspire to make breakfast for Bruce on V-Day. Alfred Helps...and so does Clark when the boys drag him into it.

5. "He loves me! He loves ME?!!" (PG-13)

Poison Ivy generates the perfect perfume to attract any male within a five mile radius and make them her love slave. But, what happens if a male gets splashed with the perfect perfume? Batman gets his hands on a sample to break the perfume's effects, but after a slight mishap involving a chair, his foot, and possibly a little bad luck...Superman gets splashed with it.

The League is about to go toe to toe over who is going to Date the Man of Steel!! And the women are getting popcorn.

6. "V-Day = D-Day" (Not rated)

A house of cards effect unlike any other. Diana, new to the theme of Valentine's Day, wants to give someone a special Valentine. Unfortunately for her, a certain imp from the fifth dimension interferes and sends duplicates of that Valentine to a couple of people with different names on the front of the envelope and signed by a different leaguer/person.

Batman is wondering if Wonder Woman acutally likes him, while Shayera thinks John is trying to rekindle something with her, when in fact another leaguer wants a shot at the lovely Hawkwoman...and Wally is just plain confused as to why Hawkman would want to go out with him when he clearly is dating someone. Green Arrow is a little freaked out by who likes him, and Booster Gold is wondering if the past is just one messed up place to live...
        And poor Superman...no Valentine for him!

Will it work itself out?! Maybe...cupid's being a little impish.

7.  "Red Flannel and Black Gauntlets" (PG-13)

A trip out of town for Valentine's Day is just what the doctor ordered. No, seriously. The Doctor said that Bruce Wayne needed a vacation. Clark is guiltily talked into taking the trip with him, because he made Bruce go to the doctor, and it just happens to be that weekend...
      Alfred makes the reservations, and when they arrive it's at a quaint little place in the middle of a snowy mountain...
      In the Valentine's Day Lover's suite.

But they're men! And they're not even like that! At least Clark doesn't think so. Yet, with all the other rooms booked up and flights canceled due to the impending storm...they're stuck there. In that room. Alone.

Awkward silence anyone?

Ah....and that's it. I would do a poll...wait, maybe I should. Hold ON:

Poll V-Day FicsAh, If this doesn't work commenting will. ;)

v-day fics

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