Title: Joke's On You
Disclaimer: JKR owns anything that is obviously hers. I own the rest.
Characters: Rose Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy
Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: None.
Overall Rating: PG
Summary: Rose shouldn't have sent that owl...
Extra Note: Plot dump drabble.
Length: True Drabble. 100 words exactly
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Comments 8
Great emotion in such a short fic
I really love drabbles because they are everything I'm not really good at. It makes for a good focusing exercise. :)
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At least I know I'm not the only one who does this. I wonder how often people realize that most authors have entire epics behind something as small as a drabble. I read reviews and think, 'Man, there is so much you guys don't know that I will never tell.'
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Maybe some day. Once I get rid of all these other projects piling up. :S
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