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kittyface July 30 2008, 02:27:24 UTC
Go and look at my last post, please. I cut his damn hair.


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kittyface July 30 2008, 04:15:11 UTC
Should I shave it? Or just a flat top, so he can be a REAL bogan?


petatron July 30 2008, 03:05:26 UTC
i think thats a little sad thinking of all the people that will lose their jobs.

i like their frappacinos. but i prefer to get my coffee from zarraffa's cos it tastes better.

also today we got coffee from this an italian cafe near where i had my job interview... 2 bucks for a large! tasted good too! that


petatron July 30 2008, 03:05:35 UTC
was great.


kittyface July 30 2008, 04:16:26 UTC
Apparently it's a good place to work. I just find it interesting that everything that was predicted that would happen when they came here (that they would fail because Australians like their local coffee shops staffed by Italians/Greeks/Turks who make real coffee) came true.


petatron July 30 2008, 04:25:24 UTC
yah i was friends with a girl that used to work there and she always seemed pretty happy with it, she even left and came back.


angriest_girl July 30 2008, 07:06:33 UTC
Honestly, I am not sad to see the back of them, because they represent ANNOYING AMERICAN CAPITALISM TAKING OVER THE WORLD, but I do feel for the people losing the jobs. On the other hand, a good barista can get work anywhere, and a bad one shouldn't be in a coffee shop anyway. But still, sucks to be unemployed, poor things. :-(

I wish it were Gloria Jeans though, since they're the ones funding the Christians in their quest to rule over us and impose their idiotic morals on the rest of us.


kittyface July 30 2008, 22:57:43 UTC
Gloria Jeans are so revolting.


angriest_girl July 31 2008, 07:32:27 UTC
Yes, too sweet. Bleh. And they are EVIL.


effbeye July 30 2008, 17:03:28 UTC
i was so confused when i moved to australia and wanted coffee and my choices were like, "flat white" and "short black" or whatever. also, what is the deal with your people not drinking iced coffee. it is a million bajillion degrees in the summer there and when i tried to order iced coffee they thought i wanted coffee with ice cream in it?!? oh and one of the aussies at my school was like, "i can tell you're american because you are wearing shorts." i was like, "i'm wearing shorts because it's a MILLION BAJILLION degrees here, not because i am american." THE END.


ghost_explosion July 30 2008, 22:06:51 UTC
what?? no iced coffee?!?!


kittyface July 30 2008, 22:55:31 UTC
This is iced coffee:

Espresso made before time and refrigerated. Add a shot of this to an iced glass with a scoop of ice cream, pour over cold milk and top with powdered chocolate.


ghost_explosion August 1 2008, 03:55:12 UTC
sounds good but odd.


ghost_explosion July 30 2008, 22:05:32 UTC
aaah! they're closing so many of their detroit locations! it's terrible.


kittyface July 30 2008, 22:54:27 UTC
It was inevitable here, though. Australians are huge coffee snobs.


ghost_explosion August 1 2008, 03:54:28 UTC
we have very few independent coffee shops in the city of detroit, proper. starbucks was really all we had going for us. now we're stuck with ::shudder:: tim hortons.


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