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Comments 15

kezbat June 1 2006, 14:00:27 UTC
We'll never hear the end of it if Carolina wins either. In a weird way I think people are still expecting neither of them to win. They were expecting the Sens or the Devils (MISS THE DEVILS) to be there instead. ;)

But, Carolina ARE going to win, so that's alright then.

Actually it's not, because I don't like Carolina one bit, but there's not much I can do about that. :)


kezbat June 1 2006, 14:04:40 UTC
You know, a picture of Daniel Briere celebrating was so inappropriate for that post. So here's Miikka (and Mr McCarty) instead. Hurray!


kitty_van_kat June 1 2006, 14:16:16 UTC
LOL!!! Yeah, see, I don't want either of them to win either, but if we look at it this way, they're both really not in the same class as Edmonton! So they're both doomed, whoever goes for the cup.

Both were playing pretty half-assed...and Edmonton worked their butts off and played really hard! It'll be a good game tonight and the series is gonna be good too! Woo!


kezbat June 1 2006, 14:47:28 UTC
I have to confess to being a bit of a Sabres fan (my multiple-team-whorage stands at five, I'm awful, I know!), which is why I have Briere iconage in the first place, but I have no faith at all in Buffalo because I haven't had one thing I want all playoffs except the Oilers beating the Ducks. So I got my one wish. I know I won't get any more :)


lilacwitchtea June 1 2006, 16:04:11 UTC


kitty_van_kat June 1 2006, 16:15:05 UTC
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Tonight we get to find out who Edmonton humiliates for the cup! Yes!!


slashfairy June 1 2006, 16:48:15 UTC
It is, it is always the way.
Running my last papers for nursing classes over to the uni, then hope I've found everything for that interview; need to set up an appointment for a physical and TB test (wonder how much that costs when you don't have insurance? I wish I'd known I'd need one while it was still school, I'd have had it done at the Student Health Center. oh, well.)

Sorry about your foot. I'm a slave to comfortable shoes, for just that reason!

See you when I get home, eh? EDMONTON!


kitty_van_kat June 1 2006, 17:04:45 UTC
Mmmk! Good luck with that.

And the shoes were comfortable, but I did so much walking and it was so humid out yesterday, that it softened my skin and made it much easier to slice. So, there you go:

(shoes + walking) x (skin + humidity) = cut foot

Yep, I'll be here, I'm always here. bleh!



slashfairy June 1 2006, 18:07:03 UTC
OOOOH shoe algebra!!! lol and yeah I forget about what a tyrant humidity is. But it is, not helpful at ALL precious.

Yay! don't need the TB test until End of August (caps because THANK GOD it's not for a while) and I came home to an e-mail response to my Craigslist ad that is for the EXACT job I want: doing evals for non-medical Home Care and insurance assessments. I'm filling out the app right now.

EEE! this might work.

then after that I have to call the Internal Revenue cos -oops- I forgot to make some payments on my back taxes so I need to beg them to re-instate my payment plan, and at a lower payment, too... -eyeroll- aw well.


kitty_van_kat June 1 2006, 18:39:01 UTC
mm, no, it isn't helpful. It doesn't hurt or anything, it's just uncomfortable.

WOOHOO!! See, I knew something perfect would come along! You'll probably get it too! :D

Ooooo and good luck with the IRS. I'm sure they'll come up with something.


ex_pferde736 June 1 2006, 20:12:09 UTC
Jake likes Bruce Springsteen. This is a truth. *grin* I prefer Imogen Heap.


kitty_van_kat June 1 2006, 20:21:30 UTC
LOL! Why do I see him doing really bad air-guitar?? (eep! camp reference from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back that seems appropriate now) Oh god! Ok, so he likes The Boss...and 50 Cent!?? Ok, strange. (he likes that song 'Candy Shop') He's a wierd boy, but, that's so good! Gotta love the wierdness.

LOL! Yay for Imogen Heap! ;D


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