"..'made with care for...Randy'??? You named me Randy??? Why didn't you just call me Horny Giles?"

Nov 02, 2005 13:39

Show me the way to go home...EVERYBODY
I'm tired and I want to go to bed ... JUST THE WOMEN!Sorry, had to follow up Spike with some Stewie. I'm in that kind of wierdo mood today. I'm very tired and have a lot of work to do, but can I concentrate? Feck no! That's why I'm writing this ( Read more... )

scarlett johansson, work, videogames

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Comments 12

slashfairy November 2 2005, 11:25:39 UTC
Good plan indeed!
And I am going to have to hunt for a different math tutor, again, sigh, should not have left it so late (glares at own bad habits and fears, and sighs for tendency to be such a fucking know it all). . .
MM noodles. . .


kitty_van_kat November 2 2005, 11:47:51 UTC
I'm sure you'll find one :) Lots of people are good at math. I know it's kind of hypocritical for me to say right now, but just concentrate on it and it'll be easy. Can you put up a little flyer or something at school asking for a tutor? Or do they have peer tutors? They had them at my college...I actually was one. Just a couple thoughts.

And we all think we're know-it-alls...some of us just don't admit it. Just like I know I'm self-absorbed, I don't like it, but I'm not gonna hide it...and I'm working on it.

I like your icon too! (mine is chapter 2 of yours...or a prequel, depending how you look at it)


slashfairy November 2 2005, 11:55:56 UTC
Yours is GREAT! and yeah, peer tutors we have.
My worst problem is, I'm so loathe to leave the house. I've been out the house my whole fucking life since I was 4, and I'm so liking it right now, being here. . . but I gots to go out anyway in an hour to do student health center stuff, so I can stop by the tutorial center, too, and see what else is available. . .

yeah, it's a great thing, giving up the hiding, and just saying 'yep, aware of that, and working on it- and how was YOUR day, dear?'.

Mine's from the < href="http://www.fcnl.org/">Friends Committee on National Legislation website's latest email. That happens to be US legislation, but the efforts and methods work just as well anywhere. . . -agrees with Jon, absolutely. Far, far away-


kitty_van_kat November 2 2005, 12:03:27 UTC
Hmmm, okies..loathe to leave the house, but need a tutor. I'd suggest online stuff but...the temptation may be too great to look at other stuff. Trust me, I know. Is there a possibility one of the other people from your class could come over and hang out, study together? I don't know about a tutor but studying with two brains is often better than one. I dunno, just trying to help.

When I was having a hard time with Algebra in high school, and flunking A LOT of tests, I just sat down one day and read the beginning of the chapters in the textbook, followed the examples, did ALL the practice questions until I knew I had it down and I aced the test. I dunno if it would work for you but just reading the textbook can be helpful sometimes.

Jon rocks! And starting next monday, Canada will be blessed with 'The Colbert Report' immediately following! It's about effing time too, I've been jonesing for The Colbert Report!


meriadoc_mi November 2 2005, 16:07:53 UTC
Ahahaha, your mood picture! That was one of my favorite OC moments EVER.


kitty_van_kat November 3 2005, 07:55:40 UTC
LOL! Meeee tooooo! I love that! And I have 'We used to be friends' on my iPod! I just think of Seth every time I hear it, dancin around in his gitch and a robe...preparing to fake 'The Summer Flu'!! LOL

hee hee! Yogalates!


meriadoc_mi November 3 2005, 21:41:48 UTC
I had to download it because it's an awesome song, LOL!

Er... gitch?


kitty_van_kat November 4 2005, 09:02:57 UTC
I had to download it right after I saw it for the first time! It was so good! Suited him well

Gitch = underwear of some sort! :)


stormy_sue November 2 2005, 16:42:02 UTC
Horny Giles!!! I actually laughed out loud when I read that because that was one of my favourite episodes! "I must be a good vampire. A vampire with a soul," "A vampire with a soul?! Oh, my God, how lame is that?!" Heeheehee!

And your dinner? Would that be Chef Boyardee spagetti & meatballs? I loved that as a kid. Can't stand it now, but I do like the ravioli.

I would have killed to go to the film festival, myself. When will I ever have an opportunity to see Sean and Viggo in the same place again?! Probly nevah!

Video games sound good. I'm just takin' 'er easy tonight myself. But don't forget "Lost" at 9:00.


kitty_van_kat November 3 2005, 08:03:55 UTC
Ahhhh yes, the infamous 'Tabula Rasa' the episode right after 'Once more with feeling'. You have to admit Spike looked cool in that nerdy suit, and the hat with the earflaps to match! I was dyin ( ... )


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