"That Hansel's so hot right now!"

Aug 16, 2005 19:40

Well, this isn't Hansel, but I've made 3 icons from the pictures of Scarlett Johansson from September's issues of Allure and Cosmopolitan.

Enjoy! Take if you like, credit if you wish. :)

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Comments 7

slashfairy August 16 2005, 17:34:06 UTC
Oh, gorgeous!!! That's really cool, Katy.
Email's being a right bitch so may I thank you for George here? He's lovely. Just what I'm thinking. Bless you!!

(and it's not you. It's part and parcel of the damn HD being so full of camp and school and photos and saved mail and messages. -goes on HD cleaning rampage- Or, conversely, it's ACN and the mail client. Either way, it's not you.)


kitty_van_kat August 16 2005, 17:37:33 UTC
Thankies so much on the icons....the mags I bought practically beat me to death with the ideas! lol And I'm glad you liked George! I think my icon style might be simple but...just enough I guess! Glad you like him. :)

Ah....okies, just checking on the mail thing...I didn't want to inadvertantly send you some bug or whatever and that crapped out your e-mail. I guess you've got house-cleaning to do on ye olde HD?


slashfairy August 16 2005, 17:54:43 UTC
You are so welcome. I like your icon style. I'm gonna get booted off line in about three minutes, and frankly I've got piles of junk still all round the living room from cleaning, so much as I'd like to stay and tig here, I can't. But i'll either mail you later or tig you here again or in jg, ok? cos the manners thing is percolating all round my brain and making me think. I think you are on to something.
Love you. Always. When you doubt that:
Thwap those doubts, have some chocolate, and think of Remus. It helps. it really does. Those doubts are dementors. Chocolate, and 'ridikulus!!'


kitty_van_kat August 16 2005, 18:00:03 UTC
Okay, we could probably tig in the morning, Ray'll be home soon so I'd like to hang out with him for a bit, show him the icons and such. Yes, the manners thing...*sigh*...it's all alright now, but the more I think of it, I am a total stickler for that. Hmmm...Canadian roots showing? I dunno.

lol! mmmmmmmmmm when I have too much chocolate I become 'ridikulus'! XD

*'psht...Jakey...did you sleep for two days....Thursday???' - gentle nudge to Jakey to take a peek at camp calendar - 'mwah, love you Jakey*

Love you too Jan! :)


stormy_sue August 17 2005, 05:49:33 UTC
Wow, these are really good! Very creative. You really did a good job. I can't make icons to save my life; a lot of people tell me it's because I don't have the right program but frankly I don't think that would make a difference. I'm just not artistically inclined in any way.

These rock!


kitty_van_kat August 17 2005, 06:18:26 UTC
Thank you! LOL, I'm not very artistically inclined either, these are just really simple and it was more inspiration from the pictures that brought the idea on. :) She looks very classic in the black and white and what better thing to go with classic than roses? So I kept it going and kept it simple.

I dunno what program you have....I HAD Corel (crap) but now I've got this Paint Shop Pro, and it's great! Very easy to use and it has the same tools as photoshop. :)


stormy_sue August 17 2005, 15:41:12 UTC
I dunno what program you have....I HAD Corel (crap) but now I've got this Paint Shop Pro, and it's great!

Mmmm.... me want. I've heard a lot of good things about PSP, but I don't think I'd use it enough to justify the obscene price! The only program I have that even remotely comes close is Windows PictureIt!, which really isn't very flexible when it comes to artsy crap. Good for handling pictures and stuff; but then maybe I just don't know enough about it. I tried making some icons with it but I can't quite get the hang of it.


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